Here is the compilation of the wisdom I've come across while reading the seduction books.

This template must be installed in your head so that every person is an open book for you. They are under your control. You elicit the necessary information according to this template automatically, in every interaction. This template should be filled with information in your head within first five minutes of interaction or less.

2 things. One is overall profile. And the second is just the chronology of mutual interactions with all the necessary details,

Also, after that make sure you write down a profile on that person in your Evernote or iPhone Contacts to ensure the most thorough analysis possible -> The most successful people of this world leave nothing to a chance : planning and strategy.

What's your review process to guarantee you absorb maximum information from what happened?

Venue[+ Day/Night] ->Set[how many people] ->Target[Ex: Brunette 10]->Opener->Roots-> FTC-> Waypoint->Disqualification->Neg->DHV->Qualify->Cold readings-> Identity statement-> Stories-> Events to seed-> Number exchange techniques->Result ->Notes[misc]

Mentally, have this checklist in your head, and check all the point as you progress in the conversation with women. Enter Style:”It was then that I realized the downside to this whole venture. A gulf was opening between men and women in my mind. I was beginning to see women solely as measuring instruments to give me feedback on how I was progressing as a pickup artist. They were my crash-test dummies, identifi¬able only by hair colors and numbers—a blonde 7, a brunette 10. Even when I was having a deep conversation, learning about a woman's dreams and point of view, in my mind I was just ticking off a box in my routine marked rapport. In bonding with men, I was developing an unhealthy attitude toward the opposite sex. And the most troubling thing about this new mind¬set was that it seemed to be making me more successful with women." create the scripts, they will be just the training wheels

Which stage of seduction are you on? According to Mystery [out of 9]

 ATTRACT - Pickup 30-40 minutes       A1 Open -> Direct/Indirect Opener+FTCs       A2 Female-To-Male Interest. Get to lock in position. DHVs 3-5 minutes depending on the size of the set, Elicit 3 IOIs and phase shift            A2. Banter/Neg (part 1 of 2)                 1. Banter Lines                 2. Funny Stories                 3. Kino                 4. Contingencies            A2. DHV (part 2 of 2)                 1. Your Passion                 2. Observations About Her                 3. Super Optional “Bubble Gum” Routines       A3 Male-to-Female Interest (Qualification - Let her win you ) Question - phase shift->isolation 

waypoint A3. Qualify (part 1 of 3) 1. What’s Beyond Your Looks? 2. Are You Passionate? 3. What Abilities Do You Have? 4. What Interests Do You Have? A3. Statement of Interest(or statement of intent->man to woman) (part 2 of 3) A3. Isolate or Number Close (part 3 of 3) 1. Isolation Close 2. Number Close COMFORT Mid-game ~ 6 hours C1 Conversation (Building rapport) C2 Connection (Building Trust) ->Going for the Kiss C3 Intimacy + C3 location (living room ) SEDUCE ~ 30 minutes Setting a Romantic/Sensual Mood 1. Romantic Questions 2. Ross Jeffries’ Patterns 3. Sexual Subjects Extract to Seduction Location S1 Foreplay (Arousal) in the bedroom S2 LMR S3 Sex Σ=4-10 hours overall

Reference material



It must be like dossier.

Rating, like brunette SHB 11


Before you influence someone, you have to know what is already influencing them.


Three IOIs on the level you’re currently in - escalate right away to the next level,[kino->kiss->intercourse=foreplay->sex] Reference: stages in Mystery method


Robert Greene in interview with Tucker Max is laying out a good criteria of you being present with a woman you're trying to seduce, if you're paying attention to details etc. The criteria is as follows: after interaction [ = the time you spend with a woman] you can sit down a write a multiple pages review of your interaction plus the details that are relevant in the Seduction context. Also, Ross Jeffries is recommending to store your sarging journals so that you can review and reflect on past experiences.

NB When eliciting the information from the victim, do it as indirectly and implicitly as possible. Ideally, it should look like a casual communication [ for victims] , but for you - gathering valuable information and moving in for the kill.

NB People like people who are like them.[Anthony Robbins]

General temperament

Type of victim [according to Robert Greene -> by this time you should already have in action a system on how to seduce each of the type -> all the info in a related note ] :out of 18

 1 The Reformed Rake      2 The Disappointed Dreamer  3  The Pampered Royal  4 The new Prude  5  The Crushed Star  6 The Novice  7 The Conqueror  8 The Exotic Fetishist  9 The Drama Queen  10 The Professor  11 The Beauty  12 The Aging Baby  13 The Rescuer  14 The Roué  15 The Idol Worshiper  16 The Sensualist  17 The Lonely Leader  18 The Floating Gender 

Body language


how physically close to her you can be from the start of the interaction?

Direction of her feet

Are they directed at you? This is one of the hardest IOIs to fake in interaction, so PAY ATTENTION TO HER FEET

Hierarchy of values

Breathing pattern

Voice tone and volume


Facial colour

Patterns of eye movements

Eye Colour

Out of the 6 human needs,

  1. Certainty: assurance you can avoid pain and gain pleasure
  2. Uncertainty/Variety: the need for the unknown, change, new stimuli
  3. Significance: feeling unique, important, special or needed
  4. Connection/Love: a strong feeling of closeness or union with someone or something
  5. Growth: an expansion of capacity, capability or understanding
  6. Contribution: a sense of service and focus on helping, giving to and supporting others

    what is the dominant one for this person? What are they driven by?

Eye accessing cues and pupil dilation


Muscle tension in the face and forehead

Overall muscle tension in the body- [flexible, moving with ease, some pains etc]

Angle of the head

Balance and weight on the floor or chair + Weight Shifts of the body in space

Lower lip size[ the lower lip may expend when blood goes to the face]

After creating proper level of rapport -> use Mirror and Lead technique to ensure that your desired outcome of the conversation is executed.

Based on the information you gathered here, in the Seduction profile, outline the exact things[ as explicit and specific as possible]->

What does she respond to?->

Representational system[ Visional, Kinesthetic, Auditory

Adjust your communication style to match and to create the rapport.

Personality according to the Myers Briggs test [ out of 16] Where you focus your attention – Extroversion (E) or Introversion (I) The way you take in information – Sensing (S) or Intuition (N) How you make decisions – Thinking (T) or Feeling (F) How you deal with the world – Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

 Love strategy [ reference Tony Robbins]  
  •               How do you know that someone loves you? [How exactly does he make you feel loved] 
    • Do they say something to you?
    • Do they touch you in a certain way?
    • Do they make you feel certain way?

Think of a time when you were in a jealous state. Remember a specific time. Go back to that specific time, and ask yourself the three questions below. (If you've never been jealous, then think of a time when you were angry at someone.) Find out HOW you created this state for yourself by discovering:

a) What did you picture about that person? Were you conscious of any images about what you thought that person did or didn't do? Note how much power these pictures either have or don't have in terms of your feeling the state of jealousy. (Note: the pictures may not be that important to you, or you may not be aware of them-you may have to go to step b.)

b) What did you hear or say to yourself about this experience?-i.e. the other person's voice saying what, or what did you say to yourself-note both the words and the tonality of how those words were said.

c) What did you feel in your body?-what sensations did you feel in your body when you were feeling the state of jealousy-like temperature, posture, breathing, muscular tension, feeling in the stomach, facial expressions, etc.

Notice which of the three representation. all systems is the most powerful for you-which has the most power to put you in the state of jealousy. You should also notice now that this is just a state, and can be changed by focusing on something that makes you feel good.

  1. Follow the same procedure as in number 1, but choose the state of love. Remember a time when you felt totally loved or loving. Remember a specific time, and go back to that time, and discover HOW you go into the state of love, and notice the difference in pictures, internal dialogue and physiology between these two states.

    Meta program [ all these meta programs are context- and stress-related]

Moving toward or moving away

Internal or external frame of reference

Sorting by self or sorting by others

Matchers and mismatchers

What it takes to convince someone of something

Possibility versus necessity

Person's working style [ independent, cooperative, proximity strategy = in between]

Matching key words + Chunk size in their language

If she is prone to using certain words or phrases, employ them when you speak.

For example, if she says, “The offer is designed for incredible gain for both parties,” later in the conversation you might say something like, “I like that the offer is designed to offer incredible gain…” Make sure that you don’t seem to be mimicking her.[ = balance] Obvious copying of another’s movements is unproductive. A simple reflection of aspects of the person’s behaviour is enough.

 Possible components of voice to mirror  

Volume - loud or soft

Tempo - the pace or rhythm of the speech pattern, speed of speech

Tone - high or low

Timbre - the individual characteristics or quality of the voice.

Characteristic sounds ( ex coughs, sighs and hesitations)

Matching the energy level

On which Seduction stage are you currently on[

According to Style, [out of 4: 1 Open, 2 Demonstrate Value, 3 create emotional connection, 4 Call to Action/ Physical Connection ]

Extended version of Style's Seduction [out of 11] 1 Select a target 2 approach and open 3 demonstrate value 4 disarm the obstacles 5 isolate the target 6 create an emotional connection 7 extract to a seduction location 8 pump buying temperature 9 make a physical connection 10 blast last-minute resistance 11 manage expectations

According to Greene, [out of 24] Phase ONE: Separation - Stirring Interest and Desire 1 Choose the right victim 2 Create a false sense of security — approach indirectly 3 Send mixed signals 4 Appear to be an object of desire — create triangles 5 Create a need — stir anxiety and discontent 6 Master the art of insinuation 7 Enter their spirit 8 Create temptation Phase TWO: Lead Astray - Creating Pleasure and Confusion 9 Keep them in suspense — what comes next? 10 Use the demonic power of words to sow confusion 11 Pay attention to detail 12 Poeticize your presence 13 Disarm through strategic weakness and vulnerability 14 Confuse desire and reality—the perfect illusion 15 Isolate the victim Phase THREE: The Precipice—Deepening the Effect Through Extreme Measures 16 Prove yourself 17 Effect a regression 18 Stir up the transgressive and taboo 19 Use spiritual lures 20 Mix pleasure with pain Phase FOUR: Moving In for the Kill 21 Give them space to fall — the pursuer is pursued 22 Use physical lures 23 Master the art of the bold move 24 Beware of the aftereffects

3 locations in every pickup: the attraction location(the target rich location), the comfort building quieter location that you will have to move or bounce to or repeatedly get into this ones to build enough comfort and kino escalation and she is comfortable enough to come over to your house or to invite you to hers, so that there will be 3 different moves: move, bounce, time bridge. Within 20 minutes you must be able to kiss the girl.

Cold reading as a calibration technique

This allow you to explore her innermost thoughts, needs, and desires. Also, it helps to determine which disqualifiers are appropriate if any, and helps build rapport.

During conversation with her, ask yourself: - What type of personality does she have? - Does she have a low or high self-esteem? - Is she sexually open or reserved? - What does she do for work? - Is she currently in a relationship? - Is she an oldest, youngest, middle, or the only child? - Is she closer to her mother or to her father? - Is she primarily athletic, emotional, or intellectual? - What qualities is she attracted to in men? - What are her needs? - Where is she in life and what is she looking for?

DO Instead of looking for what she likes look for the things she responds to.


You need to speak to her using terms from their preferred system, that will create great feelings of rapport and warmth, because you are, in effect , speaking to her in the language her brain prefers.

What to do and how to do it. If he had listened to the words she used to determine which Representation System she was thinking in, he would have heard the visual words and realized his declarations of love were 'falling on deaf ears.' Then he could have adapted his language and behaviour to show her he loved her, and they both would have been satisfied. It is that simple -- to listen for the Representational words which indicate in what sense the person is thinking, and to adjust your communication style to match. As you begin to notice what people say, you will note they are revealing their Representational System preference all the time,

Right handed is standard. If she is left handed, reverse the eye cues. Did not collect data on ambidextrous ladies.


Visional remembered pictures

Visual constructed

Talking Visually - "I see this magazine in front of me."

I see what you mean Looks good to me. I get the picture.

When you think: Visually - Imagine a picture of your mother's face.


Talking Kinesthetically - "I feel this magazine in my hands."

It feels right to me. I can't grasp the point. I catch your drift.

When you think: Kinesthetically - Remember a time you felt powerful and motivated


Auditory remembered

Auditory constructed

Auditory digital

Auditory internal dialogue

Talking Auditorily - "I hear the sounds and noises around me."

I hear you. It rings a bell. That clicks

When you think: Auditorily - Recall a conversation you had yesterday.

We structure our internal representations through our five senses, and primarily through the three major modalities (representational systems): visual (V), auditory (A), kinesthetic (K). You might consider your senses the ingredients from which you build any experience or result. But as any good cook will tell you, you have to know the precise quantity of each ingredient as well in order to get the specific result. We refer to the quantities of each modality as SUBMODALITIES.

We can change two things about the way we represent events in our life. We can change what we represent-thus, for example. if we imagine the worst possible scenario, we can change to picturing the best possible scenario. Or we can change how we represent something-for example, some people find that picturing something as being very, very large is critical for a state of great motivation. Other people find that the specific tone of voice they use when they talk to themselves makes a major difference in their level of state of motivation. Sub modalities are the smallest and most precise building blocks that make up the structure of human experience.

Eye Movements and NLP

Eyes Up and Left: Non-dominant hemisphere visualization - i.e., remembered imagery (Vr).

Eyes Up and Right: Dominant hemisphere visualization - i.e., constructed imagery and visual fantasy (Vc).

Eyes Lateral Left: Non-dominant hemisphere auditory processing - i.e., remembered sounds, words, and "tape loops" (Ar) and tonal discrimination.

Eyes Lateral Right: Dominant hemisphere auditory processing - i.e., constructed sounds and words (Ac).

Eyes Down and Left: Internal dialogue, or inner self-talk (Ad).

Eyes Down and Right: Feelings, both tactile and visceral (K).

Eyes Straight Ahead, but Defocused or Dilated: Quick access of almost any sensory information; but usually visual.

Basic NLP EyeAccessing Cues

This pattern appears to be constant for right handed people throughout the human race (with the possible exception of the Basques, whose population appears to contain a fair number of 'exceptions to the rule'). Subsequent studies(Loiselle, 1985 and Buckner, Reese and Reese, 1987) have supported the NLPclaim that eye movements both reflect and influence key cognitive components of thought. Many left handed people, however, tend to be reversed from left toright. That is, their eye accessing cues are the mirror image of those of the average right hander. They look down and left for feelings, instead of down and right. Similarly, they look up and to the right to remember visual imagery,instead of up and to the left, and so on. A small number of people (including ambidextrous and a few right handed people) will be reversed in their some of their eye accessing cues (their visual eye movements, for example), but not the others.

To explore the relationship between eye movements and thinking for yourself, find partner, ask the following questions, and observe his or her eye movements.For each question keep track of your partner's eye movements in one of the boxes (following the questions below) by using marks, lines or numbers that represent the sequence of positions you observe. Visual Remembered: Think of the color of your car. What kind of pattern is on your bedspread? Think of the last time you saw someone running. Who were the first five people you saw this morning? Visual Construction: Imagine an outline of yourself as you might look from six feet above us and see it turning into a city skyline. Can you imagine the top half of a toy dog on the bottom half of a green hippopotamus? Auditory Remembered: Can you think of one of your favourite songs? Think of the sound of clapping. How does your car's engine sound? Auditory Constructed: Imagine the sound of a train's whistle changing into the sound of pages turning. Can you hear the sound of a saxophone and the sound of your mother's voice at the same time? Auditory Digital (Internal Self Talk): Take a moment and listen to the sound of your own inner voice. How do you know it is your voice? In what types of situations do you talk to yourself the most? Think of the kinds of things that you say to yourself most often. Kinesthetic Remembered: (Tactile) When was the last time you felt really wet? Imagine the feelings of snow in your hands. What does a pine cone feel like? When was the last time you touched a hot cooking utensil? (Visceral/Emotional) Can you think of a time you felt satisfied about something you completed? Think of what it feels like to be exhausted. When was the last time you felt impatient? Kinesthetic Construction: (Tactile) Imagine the feelings of stickiness turning into the feelings of sand shifting between your fingers. Imagine the feelings of dog's fur turning into the feelings of soft butter. (Visceral/Emotional) Imagine the feelings of frustration turning into the feeling of being really motivated to do something. Imagine the feeling of being bored turning into feeling silly about feeling bored.

It is important to keep in mind, as you are observing and tracking eye movements, that many people will already have habitual eye movements, related to their primary representational modality. A highly visual person may tend to look up and to the left or right, regardless of which sensory modality is assumed by your question. If you ask such a person to think of his or her "favorite song," the person may visualize the cover of the record, tape or CD in order to remember the name of the song. A kinesthetically oriented person may look down and check his or her feelings to determine how he or she feels about several songs in order to know which one is his or her "favourite."Thus it is important to ask people what they actually did in their minds as they were answering the questions in order to get an accurate sense of what their eye movements signified. Once you feel confident in eye movements as accessing cues, and in your ability to"read" them, there are many ways they can be used. As was mentioned earlier, habitual eye movements reflect a person's preferred sensory modality.If you ask someone, "What is something that is really important to you?Think of it now," the placement of the person's eyes as he or she is answering your question will probably tell you a lot about that person's most valued representational system.

Eye movements can also be used to determine how truthful or congruent a person is being. If a person is describing an event that he or she has witnessed or participated in, for instance, the person's eyes should move primarily to his or her left (if the person is right handed), indicating memory access. If the person looks up and to the right a lot, however, it is likely that the person is constructing or reconstructing some aspect of the experience he or she is describing. This may indicate that the person is either uncertain or being untruthful about what he or she is saying.

The most common application of eye positions in NLP is to determine the representational strategies a person is using in order to think or make a decision. Since many aspects of people's thinking processes are unconscious to them, spontaneous eye movements can be an extremely important part of eliciting and modeling a person's inner strategies for decision making, learning, motivation, memory, etc.

You can also see what representational system – a person is using by watching their eyes. The chart below shows what eye positions are related to which representational system, and a few questions you can ask to get a person to access those representational systems.

Continued in part 2