Map out Goals = I am on a mission. And I know what I want at the end. I see where I'm going, and I am intelligently progressing along The Path to those ends.

Be Proactive = Take responsibility of yourself. You control your fitness/diet/habits/lifestyle/skills etc... I put in the work to progress, for things I can control(e.g. lift, read, diet, etc...). I influence what I can Influence to advance along the path, and I grow my Circle of Influence. I look ahead and am aware of pitfalls, which combined with my hard work makes me robust. I spend very little time/energy/worry on things that I can't influence. PRIORITIZE your shit w/ an 'Important/Urgent' matrix.

Keep your options open = DO NOT COMMIT! Your goals aren't so specific that only one woman, or one job offer etc... is the focus. Be aware of this. If you aren't aware, you will tend to be 'results oriented'.

Be 'Process Oriented' (not results oriented!) = IDGAF! about a short-term result. Any time I take a step on my path towards a goal, that shit is a win. IDGAF if it's a successful step. EVERY INTELLIGENT STEP I TAKE IS A WIN. But, I don't fucking step without a strong insight into how that step works. I don't fucking step without my virtues in order. Otherwise that shit is not a valid step. When I take a step, that step is at the very least intelligent and competent. After I succeed or fail, I look back at the process and learn from any errors or successes. Stop fucking worrying(worry, fear, scarcity, commitment, lack of options) about the RESULT of an individual attempt. It's the ATTEMPT that determines the win, not the result!!! (think lifting - goal today is to work to failure for long-term 'hypertrophy').

Win-Win market dynamic = I try to grow/cultivate my circle of influence with win-win dealings (rather than zerosum games, or straight up burning bridges). Learn how to see and be aware of a market and who is win-win vs. zero-sum. At times it can simply vary on perspective of the group of winning players vs the losing players, rather than each individual. There are some markets that are only zero-sum. There are also some times when it is good strategy to burn a bridge. However, Win-win is the default preference. This also helps when dealing w/ the more powerful. Don't make a competition with Chad when you don't have to. PLENTY of girls at the party for both of you.

Certainty (CONFIDENCE) = When it comes time for action, I believe that 'overconfidence' is actually beneficial, provided you have made a rational decision to act from within your Circle of Competence. You should conduct those actions of expertise with a God-like certainty.