We've discussed at length on this sub how the sexual nature of women has turned into this decadent and depraved lunacy we're seeing in society now, with the hypergamy/monkey branching being enabled at an exponential rate by technology and current societal standards. The 80/20 rule, all of that stuff.

However, in a broader sense, the sexual nature of women also includes using sex in exchange for resources, and the manipulation that follows suit. The non-sex part of the equation. Everything that comes before or after.

After disconnecting from the system a few years back, I've observed some shitty behavior from women in a more objective way. I've tried to figure out what exactly is going on, and what is driving them to be so manipulative, unreasonable, and controlling while simultaneously not providing any real value in return.

I've thought on it awhile, and I believe I've pieced together that they do not separate their sexual nature from pretty much any of the social aspects of their lives.

This is evident in both personal and professional lives.

Men can form friendships out of shared interests and hobbies. They can bond over philosophy. They do not require anything of a sexual nature to form a friendship. Women measure themselves against other women based on how much higher or lower their SMV is in comparison. Women form "friendships" with men based on how much attention they can get out of them, how many resources they can extract, and how much of a back-up orbiter they can be.

In the professional world, I see it happen as well. A man can come into work and do his job by looking objectively at what has to be done, and formulating a strategy to solve the problems.

If a woman comes into a new job, they immediately fall back into their sexual nature, especially the ones who haven't hit menopause. Instead of looking at a problem and deciding what has to be done to solve it, they begin looking for whoever is in charge in the room.

Once they've identified the person with authority, they chat them up, become friendly, lean on their shoulder, and start the manipulation of the man in charge. The end goal here is to get him on her side, to have him so blinded by his biological imperative that once complaints inevitably come in, the guy with authority will not believe them because he is so blinded.

They will do some work during this initial phase. Enough to seem like they're busy.

Once they've got the authority figure well on his way into their manipulation games, they'll start to slack off little by little with their work and attitude.

Which ties in with the coworkers. This is especially true when they work around more males than females. They haven't tried to form relationships with the coworkers out of mutual respect and a sense of teamwork -rather they've formed a group of orbiters with varying degrees of how close she may allow them to think she is.

Once the person of authority has largely been put under a spell, and the work ethic (read: lack thereof) is becoming apparent, they distance themselves from the orbiters, because they are losing value and usefulness. She has the one making decisions under her control, all she had to do was chit-chat, be flirty, tell a few dirty jokes, laugh at his jokes, and waste all day sitting in his office being best buds.

By this point, she will have essentially stopped working, save for creating useless meetings and committees, to solve imaginary problems, and to appear busy were anyone from the outside to take a close enough look. None of her actual job will be done.

This sets her up for a few things.

First, she is getting paid to essentially do nothing. She has a cake job and doesn't have to work. Doesn't matter what her title is, she has achieved what she set out to do in regards to actually working.

Second, she has set up the person of authority as her shield and provider. If anyone DOES try and make her work, or mention that she's being bitchy to her coworkers, or any other negative comment about her, she knows the authority figure will protect her. This is either because he is still very much in admiration of her and how he perceives her to be (the lie she has allowed him to believe), or he has realized what a mistake he has made by entertaining those flirtatious games, which opens him up to claims of sexual harassment if he doesn't do exactly what she wants him to do.

He knows this, and she knows this. If he ever opens his eyes, he's already in the trap, it's too late. She has manipulated him into a win-win for her. Either she's showered with his attention and admiration, or she has a threat held over his head. There is not a negative outcome for the female. Often times, if they haven't opened their eyes yet, they still believe the female to be this picture perfect example of an employee, with the best work ethic of the entire team. They have painted this picture for him, through outright lies, misinformation, and manipulation.

One of two things eventually happen here -either it all blows up in their faces, and people lose their jobs, or it all gets swept under the rug and she gets promoted.

I've seen cases where either the person in authority tried to stand up and have a spine, only to have the accusations destroy him. Generally this happens if a lot of employees and/or clients have made complaints and they try to do something about it. Once she gets disciplined, it's game over, she'll use her get out of jail free card.

I've seen other cases where it all blew up because everyone tried making complaints, which fell on deaf ears, and the work went to complete shit because everyone got fed up with it. This is the kind of result where employees start half-assing things, start leaving in droves, and lose their passion/drive they had because of a bullshit double standard they've been subjected to for far too long.

Another way the situation evolves is where she gets a promotion. She gets the person of authority so twisted around her finger, and/or so heavily under the threat of a harassment claim, that when an opportunity arises, she is promoted as a way of appeasing her.

And for what? What is their end goal if they aren't actually willing to work anyway?

It goes back to their sexual nature. They're constantly on the prowl for that better opportunity, that chance to monkey branch into a more kush situation of resource extraction.

With a promotion, she is elevated into higher circles. She then has access to people in a position of authority, who have even more authority than the one she started with. Then the whole thing gets repeated.

She'll have the higher status orbiters, the higher status target of manipulation, higher status attention givers.

And maybe, just maybe she'll get high enough to find one she can lock down, for an eventual divorce rape.

It all revolves around how they play their game of sex. Use their body/looks/sexuality to attract the attention of someone they can use, extract any usefulness/resources they can from them, and then monkey branch onto a higher status target.

Instead of entering the workforce with a passion for a given field, and a drive to create, think, develop and grow, they enter into the workforce and immediately go into a stealthy pursuit of status, resources, and power the very same way they do it with relationships. They cannot separate their sexual nature from their work ethic.

Men have a drive and a passion for their profession, they seek to achieve greatness and do a great job. They utilize skill, proficiency, and building a reputation of having a solid work ethic. They actually care about the end result of their work, their reputation, and the relationship they have with coworkers and clients.

Women put up a facade, and trick men into believing they have those very same attributes -but it's just that, a facade. They are incapable of the drive and passion to truly accomplish great things, rather they fool everyone while setting the stage for professional hypergamy. The game is to spread as much manipulation as possible while doing as little actual work as possible, in pursuit of that higher status.

They treat other women in the workplace badly, because to them, work is no different than sex. They cannot separate sex, and what it can get them, from anything. So obviously they must compete, and in doing so, they trash on other females and treat them like shit.

All of this is something I've witnessed first hand, and my initial afterthought is that the recent promotion of women as heroes of the workplace, while simultaneously victims of the workplace, has accelerated this behavior just as badly as tinder, social media, and smartphones have accelerated the very same behavior in actual pursuit of sex.

It really reinforces, for me, that going your own way is the best possible policy in today's society. If you find yourself in a position where you're being chatted up at work, you must treat it just like she's chatting you up for a relationship, because that's essentially what she's doing. Since she cannot separate the concepts of work and sex/relationships, you should not separate how you respond. Don't fall for these traps.

If you're not the person of authority, do not fall for being an orbiter. Do not do work for her, do not be the back-up plan. You come to work to work, not to play some fucked up sexual game.