Been a while since ive dropped by this subreddit, but I was surprised to see no one mentioning the white elephant (literally AND figuratively) of Boogie2988's recent divorce events. Here is a link to the video he posted:

For anyone who doesn't know who Boogie2988 is, he is a pretty well-know and successful Youtuber who does gaming and vlog videos with a 4+ Million subscriber base. Sounds alright until you find out that this guy is a morbidly obese (450+ pounds) and mentally unstable man who suffers from a plethora of health issues, such as organ issues and anxiety. This guy is about as BP as they go, as his physical and mental issues have dragged on for over 25 years, and recently he has had to resort to surgery (gastric bypass) in order to lose his weight to literally save his life from premature disease, cancer, and ultimately death.

The guy has always had issues with his family and upbringing, who obviously raised him to be BP, and he suffered for years from the nice guy and BP-related depression symptoms until he met his (now ex) wife about 8 years ago. What perhaps is most astounding being that his wife is not obese, nor does she suffer from any issues, and actually is decently attractive (HB6/7… see pics below). And according to him, it is because of his wife and her support that has helped him with most of his personal issues and why he likely hasn't eaten himself to death before. I'm sure you can see where this train-wreck of a mindset and BP lifestyle is heading, but hang on. Like I mentioned, he JUST recently in the past few months went through gastric bypass and a bunch of other surgeries and you can watch some of his videos, and one would think that his wife, who spend all these years acting as a supportive SO and life partner would applaud this and be happy for her husband.

The paradox is, get this, that she asked for a divorce RIGHT AFTER the guy finished from his surgery, and that she needed some space and time (around 2:40 in the video). And I don’t know whether the fact that Boogie accepted the divorce is sadder than his wife’s actions. In the video, he mentions that it is from HIS OWN faults that his wife requested the separation, and she is totally entitled and likely justified in her actions. In no way is this guy showing any signs of anger, resent, or bitterness to the situation, and maintains that she isn’t AWALT (not a gold digger, shallow, selfish, etc….)

Leaving his wife’s disgusting behavior aside for a second, Boogie’s actions are nothing more than a reflection and product of his BP upbringing and mindset. The guy, while he takes responsibility for his problems and acknowledges them, in essence doesn’t do anything to actually solve them or improve himself as a person, and instead, he has to rely on foreign intervention (his wife, medical community) exclusively for solving his life issues. The guy grew up with a repulsive family dynamic, whose mom (according to him) deliberately wanted him to get fat so no girl would find him appealing and wed him, and that would mean that he would be with his mom forever. I think the RP community can respect the struggle of such a childhood, but the guy is 42 is years old! This guy, while he makes decent cash and was married, still has the mind of a 12-year-old, in that he can’t problem solve or motivate himself. And his BP behavior continues with the notion that he “thanks” his wife for a service that no one else would have ever done for him, and that, despite the divorce, he is “indebted to her.”

As for his wife, she married him just as his YouTube career was taking off, and in hind set, she obviously had a long-term plan in her mind. She took care of him and perhaps genuinely shared Boogie some of the best years of his life, but once she lost weight and increased in SMV, she wouldn’t stay content with a man in physical stature like Boogie. So now, after the only success that Boogie has ever had in his life (his YouTube Channel), she’s going to find a Chad who can actually give her the physical and intimate needs that she probably didn’t have for so long, while she shlucks 50% of his YouTube income because there is no prenup.

Not sure if Boogie is still in the denial stage, but there was a post a year ago by a RP bro who predicted this blow on a blog. I suggest you read it, and the takeaway from all this is AWALT…. Women can change and do a 180, no matter how long you have been with her. Never marry, and never give a women credit for something that shouldn’t be special treatment.

The Blog:

His wife: