It occurs to me this idea in this gender war where every feminist woman "hates" the heterosexual white male".As you know in the feminist patriarchy the white man regardless of his status, age, is evil incarnate.They are "right" but not from the angle you would expect.Man take the words at their exact meaning,women talk more covertly and often what they say totally contradicts what they really want.When they said white privilege they are right from their own female perspective.In a logical man terms white privilege(born heterosexual white man) will imply the white race is superior of other races(otherwise would not be privileged by simple fact that you are born white).And that will be a racist statement which mean feminists are racist, logically.I saw these accusations especially from ugly/aged white women also from college educated black or Asian women. Imo this war, is an open hypergamy war in action were the heterosexual white male is the prize.The ugly/fat/aged educated white feminists what to have access to quality alpha men, college educated black and Asian females want access to quality white males too. Because of increasing feminized society white boys became more and more betaized less alpha qualities less real men.There is a fight for white real men not against them.

Now about white privilege.The projected value of the offspring generated from a relation with a quality heterosexual white male is white privilege in a educated women view especially if belongs to other race.Any child born from a mixt relations white man/black women or white man/Asian women has a much better life in this world ,more value.The more visible white traits has the offspring the easier life, easier access to jobs education and social life.There are many examples around that, Serena Williams a feminist married with white guy their child will be more integrated in the society elite, Meghan Markle another feminist women.All other feminists married with white men.Why all these feminist don't marry a black guy or an Asian(short guy).They will never do that,they are smart they want white children.They don't hate all white men .They want the quality white guy that their hipergamy demanded.They want a piece of the shrinking pie.The white male DNA is valuable especially for other race females.I read somewhere the divorce rate on mixt races white male/other race female is very low.