I came to a wild, somewhat bitter realization the other night, during my late contemplation and wanted to get feedback from the very community that inspired me to contemplate. I've never thanked you guys for it, so I'll just put that here as well. I was thinking about all the long-lasting relationships I've borne witness to over the years and managed to distinguish two patterns:

  1. The man is extremely dominant, authoritative and explicitly under control of the relationship. The woman is submissive, lowly, basically unable to do anything about it and either thinks she can still "fix him" (more common in a relationship) or resents him (more common in a marriage).

  2. The woman is smarter and more aware of the underlying communication dynamics and is implicitly under control of the relationship. This is the bread and butter of the modern blue pill society. The man is either being straightforwardly disrespected or let to think that he is the dominant one.

I am yet to see a long-lasting relationship that doesn't have one of these patterns behind it. Contemplation did not end here.

Survival of the fittest, of those who could make the best use of the environment around them. The physical inferiority of the female rendered her incapable of any major overt influence on her surroundings, so she had to develop something to compensate for it. Emotional manipulation was born. The women who could best manipulate their men were the ones whose genes spread. Of course, in order to be able to manipulate them, they had to be desired by them.

The woman evaluates your long-term potential by how much she thinks she'll be able to control you.

I would accentuate the "thinks" word in the previous sentence. This is her potential downfall. This is the loophole you can use. The greatest aphrodisiac for women, for this very reason, is to be desired. When she sees that you desire her, when she thinks she ensnared you, she is open to think that you can be manipulated on behalf of it. The reason why many relationships where the woman is under implicit control last long is because both sides gain something from it. I will give a very simple, even absurd example - let's say a woman drops something. She proceeds to weep: "oh woe is me, I dropped this", after which a man comes to her rescue and picks it up for her. He gains a chivalrous sense of worth and basks in his usefulness to her, and she, well she gains whatever the fuck she dropped. Most men today consider this a fair exchange.

If there's a point to this post, it would be this - when dealing with women, never be afraid to show your raw desire, but always be aware of the underlying dynamics and the concept of how that desire works in her favor.