Hi everyone this is my first official post to The RedPill. I post a lot on asktrp and contribute a decent amount here but now I am ready to post.

I decided to put together a quick case study on the destruction that modern culture, social media and feminism causes on college females. For this I decided to use a girl I know extremely well as an example. I will refer to her as Katie.

I grew up with Katie in a simpler time. We are both mid 90s babies but instead of being raised on internet cell phones and social media like kids today, we grew up playing pranks on others and playing sports until the sun came down. Then we would come home together after a day out with friends and I would eat dinner with my family. There was no phones or internet to distract us. Then I would watch sports with the family or whatever kid shows were on TV. It was a good time. School was great too. No political correctness, no liberal indoctrination, no agenda pushing education such as LGBT rights or other bullshit like that is being taught these days. Eventually we got cell phones (with no internet or social media) and only used them to text our friends to hang out.

Fast forward to high school, social media apps such as Snapchat and Instagram had just come out and people began to use it like crazy. Everyone had a Facebook by that point but it wasn't cool and no one used it. Katie and I got on Instagram and Snapchat. I used it regularly while she only used it to post the occasional picture and mostly to look at others. Then something revolutionary happened. The creation of instantaneous social media. While social media had caused FOMO in people especially teens, snapchat stories, twitter and Instagram magnified it. People could now see what others were doing at that instant and could instantly feel left out. Growing up where we did (a rich SoCal beach town), it is notorious for extremely entitled kids doing crazy things every weekend and of course posting it on social media. I took part in all those crazy activities every weekend while Katie stayed at home or hung out with a few of her friends. While I basically had a college experience in high school Katie had essentially missed out. It never seemed to bother her. I thought Katie was loser for not being like every other girl from my high school who were fun to party with and social.

For college, we ended up going to schools 15 minutes apart. I continued my party ways by pledging a popular fraternity fall of my freshman year while my Katie locked herself into her studies and working. The narrative then flipped. By sophomore year we were burned out, I was from the nonstop schedule of working, school and partying while she was from just school and working. I decided to take a break and focus more on my career goals and lifestyle. This coincided with a huge physical change. I started going to the gym hard my towards the end of my freshman year and got big so fast that summer I have stretch marks on my chest. Katie grew out of her awkward stage and her SMV skyrocketed into the stratosphere. Katie took of advantage of this right away, instantly joining a top tier sorority that fall. She then realized it was time to make up for lost time she felt she had missed. She then began going out and partying every night, bring back guys to her place every week, riding the CC to the extreme and starting to put together a group of orbiters who would do anything for her. She also had dropped all of her low status male friends/unattractive female friends from freshman year and began hangout with high SMV sorority sluts. Due to this she began to develop liberal views on the world and began to hamster every poor decision she made. After all she saw all these girls having the time of their lives. As a result of this, Katie's social media blew up like crazy. She began getting attention from extremely high status males on it and getting invited to exclusive Hollywood parties/clubs. Katie then started getting with these guys. This caused her hypergamy to go into overdrive and while she continues to pull these men, none will settle down with her and she will be an alpha widow in 10 years. However now everything is going great. This has caused Katie to constantly brag and flaunt all the attention she receives on social media. She became one of those girls she used to despise. That girl you see on greek row passed out on the lawn of a frat house after a party. Or that girl coming back from a club with a girl and a guy.

Despite all of this Katie does well. Has a very prestigious internship this summer and is the president of a exclusive business club on campus with over 200 members. She works hard but receives a lot of this due to her status and the fact that people will hand her things. This has put a dent in her relationship and since I am no longer up to the standard of a guy she associates herself with. I am irreverent to her and she only uses me for parties/formals at my school or the occasional emotion tampon when she decides she wants to use her “precious” time to call me once every 4 months. I may have a top 15% SMV for my age but it is pennies compared to hers or the people she associates herself with. Some of you may give me crap for this but it is how it is. I am not exactly thrilled about the logistics of our relationship these days but soon the balance of power will shift in my direction.

While noticing the complete 180 in personality in Katie, I never understood why she did those things. I was indoctrinated with girls were pure and guys are pieces of shit. After discovering the red pill I began to see everything that was happening. It all made sense. Trying to justify with her in impossible. Sometimes I try to tell her about the wall or the dangers of riding the CC but she doesn't care, she just thinks I'm now a misogynist and that feminism is the only way society will work. You can't rationalize with any female. Don't bother.

A few months ago Katie invited me to a party she got invited to. She only knew the host and I knew no one. It was the first time I had seen her in a while. For the first 15 minutes at the party I orbited Katie while she talked to the host and found the highest SMV guy there to hit on. I stood there with her talking to the guys and she eventually shooed me off. I realized that I was being a pussy. At any networking event or party, I was always a natural, effortlessly working the room and getting know everyone. So for the next hour while she talked to Chad, I effortlessly worked my way around the room talking to everyone. After 45 minutes Katie realized Chad was actually Billy Beta who only relied on his looks and she began to orbit me. After ignoring her trying to butt in, she said she was leaving and took off irritated. I stayed and had developed so much social proof that I picked the girl I wanted and left an hour later with her. Also met 4 guys I currently hang out with now. The whole event dawned on me. I realized that Katie is still the shy and awkward girl and compensates for it by acting like an obnoxious party girl which she can get away with due to her SMV while I was always the natural one. That situation made me realize that a lot of girls like Katie are like this, so we need stop being pussies around them and realize that they should be nervous talking to us.

Social media controls a lot of people's lives. It makes them complacent, ignorant and unoriginal. With everything that is going on in politics with the immigration, stupid celebrities are sharing false information and pictures and their loyal supporters are eating up everything they say. It can used to spread misinformation. What about Facebook stealing our data? People don't seem to care and still worship Mark Zuckerberg despite the fact the reserves time in prison. Social media allows the average modern day female to receive endless validation thus inflating her ego and turning men into mindless zombies. What on earth causes guys to spend 15 dollars or so in order to watch some sluts snapchats?

In the future who knows what will happen. Maybe Katie will figure out her clock is ticking and settle down with an Alpha in 4-5 years. Maybe she will continue to ride the CC and be alone or have to settle for a beta. She continues to live her life based on status and spends her time wasting it on social media and pointless gossip. I got off social media and deleted almost every app off my phone and just focus my internship this summer while building interpersonal relationships with others. Every now and then I get occasionally jealous of Katie's lifestyle, endless paid trips to Vegas, constant validation, expensive gifts, partying in exclusive clubs and on yachts etc. However I realize that is all of a small hour glass. Eventually one day the hourglass will be empty on she will be left with nothing. Katie has the opportunity to take advantage of this to set herself up in the future. The question is, will she?

As always, AWALT.