“Base your self-worth on the internal, not on the external. This is the key to happiness.”

Is this really the key to everlasting, stable, happiness? A sense of self-worth that is dependent on nothing besides the internal? How do you accomplish this?


Self-worth should not be determined by what you have (the external). It should be determined by what you have overcome (the internal).

The external may very well determine how fun your life is (who the fuck doesn’t love sex, money, and power), but it also may very well determine your sense of self-worth. It shouldn’t.

It shouldn’t determine your self-worth, because then it is determining your happiness.

Thing is, most don’t realize this until they lose what they have.

The foundation for oneitis? Using a woman to determine your happiness/self-worth instead of using her for fun. When she ultimately shuts you the fuck down, you feel worthless, almost like life isn’t worth living anymore. Why? You let her determine your self-worth.

Never, ever, let anything that could be realistically be ripped away from you determine your self-worth.

So, what should determine your self-worth, if it shouldn’t be determined by the external?

Your self-worth should be determined by what you have overcome in the past, aka the internal.

With an internally fortified sense of self worth, you are reliant on little besides yourself for your happiness. Ever wondered how people who live seemingly shitty lives can be happy at the same time?

It’s because their self-worth is determined by the internal. Not by their possessions. Not by their looks. Not by their height. Not by how they stack up against others. But by confidence built through adversity and challenges they have faced and conquered in the past.

What gives me self worth, personally, is confidence in my ability to deal with depression, loneliness, and adversity in general, my work-ethic, my creativity, and my ability to be disciplined to get shit done when it needs to get done.

The beauty of self-improvement is it not only improves your quality of life (how much fun you have), but it also permanently increases your self-worth and therefore happiness, by building everlasting confidence in yourself and your abilities, due to the fact that you have conquered challenges in the past.

To have a truly developed masculinity, a sense of self-worth, and everlasting emotional stability, you must go defeat all sorts of challenges to fortify real fucking confidence in yourself and your abilities so you can have something concrete to base your self-worth on, instead of basing it on something you could easily lose.

This is why “fake it ‘till you make it” only works to an extent. You will never have a stable sense of self-worth/happiness until you have a sense of self-worth/happiness that is reliant on nothing besides the internal. And to be reliant on nothing besides the internal, you must forge the internal. And to forge the internal, you must conquer.


Chase adversity. Base your self-worth on the internal. Use the external for enjoyment, but not for self-worth. Judge your self-worth by what you have conquered, not by what you have.


Self-worth = happiness. The internal should determine your self-worth. Not the external. This is the key to everlasting and stable self-worth/happiness.