Quick disclaimer. This is a long, entirely unnecessary post. If you have your shit together and especially if you're far beyond the anger phase, you probably don't need to bother with this one.

Amorality is a tricky word, evidently. My girl Merriam has a few specific definitions for it: 1a, having or showing no concern about whether behavior is morally right or wrong; 1b, being neither moral no immoral--specifically lying outside the sphere to which moral judgements apply; and 2, the subject of this post, being outside or beyond the moral order or a particular code of morals. We’ll come back to this one shortly.

Immoral, as a quick aside, you absolute fuck, is that which is conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles. This is important. Read it again: conflicting with generally or traditionally held moral principles. Maybe you’ve got some examples coming to mind.

If the above definition is Cool And True, then we can assume Moral behavior is in line with those principles. Are you following? Good.

Wanna know how I know you didn’t absorb enough (or any) of the sidebar? Because I keep seeing dumb shit about Machiavellianism.

Now look.

My mother is human garbage and my sister is an addict. These are objective assessments. Back when I was a weak foolish faggot I allowed both of them, despite their histories and their characters, to borrow money from me. Most of this was returned, I would have assured you some time back, but the fact of the matter is that most of it wasn't. And I kept giving. Maybe that sounds familiar.

Remember what you just read up there about oral morders and a carticular mode of corals or whatever the fuck? Remember all the times in your life you were encouraged to do the right thing? Stick by your family? Help them through hard times? Etc.? Help your girl with her addiction in the hopes she ever gets far enough through the steps to look you in the face and say with certainty that she'll never not be an addict? Quick round of applause for that accountability, what a great belief system to instill in someone. Forgive and forget all the shit someone is responsible for because of any number of platitudes stemming from a set of morals? Sure thing, bro. Things will be different now that she's lived the same exact fucking way for 40 years. Definitely.

Fuck all that. Bury it. Here and now. Look back on your yesterday and revel in the fact that you somehow Forrest Gumped your way into living to see another sunrise despite being so fucking foolish. Society has a moral order to keep itself together. We have stop signs (maybe you've heard of them) to keep one ape in a pickup from T Boning some other ape in a prius. No, we don't always need to stop at every fucking sign every fucking time. Of course not. But think back to all the gifs you saw between bouts of masturbation depicting utterly baffling moments of dangerous, sometimes fatal indecision on the road. Do you want to live in a civilization that allows any stupid asshole to do any stupid asshole thing they feel like doing any time they feel like being a stupid asshole, rather than putting up a red shape and saying Here you fucking monkey, do you know what this color means? Very good. Here's your special card. Of course you don't.

So this is our first example. An amoral action here is running a stop sign when there is very clearly no one around for miles--not blasting through it like you're a crewmember on the Challenger, not squeezing through before the right of way is yours, not running through at 3am because you don't see any headlights and it's probably safe. At 5am in my small town when no one is out in the sticks and I can see all the plains for miles around? Absolutely fuck that sign. The situation it's meant to impede is currently irrelevant, and so the rule itself is currently obsolete. Still following? Nice.

An immoral action here is playing chicken with somebody else. A moral action is stopping all the time, every time, because it's a rule.

Got it?

Too often I see Machiavellianism come up and be met with the idea that amorality is simply abandoning reasonable conduct and living a rockstar life to go and get yours. Are you enjoying that tall glass of hip hop platitudes? u/Oukranikov posted a nice little comment recently touching on the state of Machiavelli's world at the time of his writing The Prince. Simply put, this wasn't someone writing a reddit post with a belly full of Chinese and tequila. These motherfuckers were dealing with stakes and they were high.

Rollo has this post about morality and it contains this passage:

6.) Machiavellianism Is Necessary:

No matter your disposition, Machiavellianism is necessary. If you cannot impose an altruistic moral code on everybody, then thoughtless (rather than low risk) altruism is worthless. Note how easy it is to lead any man down a path of incentive, but how one must tell a noble lie to lead him to altruism if it does not come innately. It is because of this that Machiavellianism always comes up trumps, because no matter what morals people consent to, the power of psychology can be used to override their preferences by limiting their options and leveraging their biases.

Altruism is trumped by sadism in tactical matters and altruism only works so long as everyone is being altruistic. All it takes is one sadist to ruin everything and start game playing. Then all the altruists find out they were being played, want to learn how to do what the sadist did to play them, and risk becoming sadists themselves. Don’t be an altruistic idiot, ration your altruism, but don’t expect you will find salvation in unfettered sadism either.

To be frivolously ruthless is almost as inept as to be frivolously altruistic. Always cost-benefit, always analyse, always have a contingency, be altruistic when you can afford to be; it’s therapeutic and it’s great for your reputation.

Read this, especially that last bit, again and again and again and again and again and one more time just so I feel better and if you somehow manage to discover a secret code where Rollo has instructed you in Latin to "never be altruistic" or "always manipulate people" or "definitely for sure be ruthless at your job at McDonald's" or "be amoral (but he means immoral)" or "if you act like Machiavelli you'll be getting Laid Like A Warlord In No TIme Don't Forget To Like And Subscribe" I will swallow my dick whole.

Here is our next behavioral example, this time of immoral action. Picture it: you are a junkie and you're quickly burning through people who still believe in you and the lovely shit you say. One of these people is your brother, who is only in contact with you because you haven't asked for money in an impressively long time. You just managed to have the longest period of sober living in your entire life and he is proud of you, despite not believing in your permanent recovery because you have both been raised around addicts and both know the game. You concoct a bulletproof lie: you need some money for the first time in a long time. Every single check you and your mother have received for years is somehow spent down to the last cent every single time like magic, certainly through no fault of your own. You're definitely not back on the shit and maybe you don't remember telling him you were abusing Imodium like a Trainspotting character with Crohn's Disease some weeks ago. He gives you the money on the condition that it will be returned on this date, and reminds you that a year ago he said he would likely never give you money ever again. You don't pay him back. Nice! Now you're high, and did it like a boss epic style, just like Machiavelli would have wanted.

The next month he asks you for the same amount and swears he will give it back at this date. You know he's good for it and you can always con that amount and a little extra from mommy, so you agree. You give him the money and never hear from him again. Oh no!

Let's break this down a teensy bit. What was an immoral action? Conning a relative out of their hard earned pay, right?. This happened in both instances. It is not amoral. It is very fucking clearly immoral. I cannot stress this enough, seriously, it is not amoral. Whatever your personal ethics and perspectives, we can all agree a dick move is a dick move.

Who was Machiavellian? Was it the junkie who conned a family member for drugs, manipulating someone and exercising power and leverage over them and their perception to achieve a goal? Or was it the spiteful kin who reciprocated, manipulating someone and exercising power and leverage over them and their perception to achieve a goal?


Get this into your fucking skull. There is nothing powerful, direct, assertive, or otherwise about a primate chasing its fix to the ends of the earth over every burning bridge. There is nothing wise, smooth, suave, or otherwise about a primate--especially one that knew better--allowing himself to become involved in one such clusterfuck. The petty vengeance that allowed me to become whole was purely for my own sadistic satisfaction. There's nothing cool about selling out some blind cunt at your retail plantation so you can get that super sick $0.75 raise after six months of jumping through hoops. I would be flabbergasted if any less than 98% of those reading this have ever or will ever even have the chance to behave in a MaChIaVeLlIaN fashion for an extended period of time, outside of the rare isolated instance, throughout the course of their lives. I wholly believe 100% of those so willing to get on their knees and blowbang poorly defined, misunderstood, fetishized summations of the dark triad, Machiavellianism, etc. are fools to be laughed at. In my eyes you are no different than a lying junkie--not because you are strictly immoral or otherwise, but simply because you're a fucking idiot.

Here's some pills for you. Swallow them or don't, I don't give a fuck. You likely have no need for Machiavellianism or amorality yet. You work at a grocery store. You don't know what you're doing. You don't have a sufficient enough understanding of the real world, how it works, and how deceived the people in it are. This isn't House of Cards and you are not the spiky haired guy in the anime with the notebook. The amount of young men in this sub who don't have to do anything more than show up on time and smile for six months to advance at their job is likely overwhelming, and if it's not I'll chase that shot of my own dick with both balls.

So where did you learn this stupid shit, what mistakes did you make, and how should you aim to conduct yourself?

One more time for good measure:

To be frivolously ruthless is almost as inept as to be frivolously altruistic. Always cost-benefit, always analyse, always have a contingency, be altruistic when you can afford to be; it’s therapeutic and it’s great for your reputation.

I can't just toss a blanket statement over the lot of you this post is intended for and call it a day. In my own experience, I saw myself taken advantage of by people who seemed to employ sadistic, manipulative tactics like encouraging me to do The Right Thing for their benefit time and time again. Unlike the monkey fixated on the shiny object, I paid less attention to what their prize was and more to how this made me feel, especially as I watched my sacrifice and submission taken for granted repeatedly. It became very clear to me that only a piece of shit behaves like a piece of shit, and this is the problem I have with most young men I see seeking to emulate those philosophies and principles typically more attractive to the jaded and the vengeful.

What's your idea of Machiavellian? Manipulative? Cunning? Cold? Calculating? Ruthless when you need to be? Amoral (or immoral, it's not like you seem to have any fucking clue which is which)? Hungry, yet lacking in integrity and principle? Determined, yet setting tiny, overly personal, unrealistic goals that belong in a TV drama?

These qualities are all present in the sex responsible for most of my red pill moments and they're ingrained in those people because that is the game they've been forced to play for thousands of years. These are all human qualities and they're not necessarily condemnable to have (remember, the red pill is objective and amoral), and they're certainly not condemnable to practice at the proper times, but god fucking damn it, you are a man.

You are a man.

You very well may go your entire life without ever encountering someone who is truly in your way. I'm talking 100%, absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, holding you back or blocking your path. You pretty much have to sign a contract for this to be possible anymore, and luckily you've found TRP, so you're smart enough to not fuck yourself like that.

The smokers among us could quit, live frugally and save for two or three months, and have enough money to start a simple window washing business or some shit. Right now you can get 500 business cards from Vistaprint for as low as $10 plus shipping and then buy tools as you work your way into your own handyman thing. I mean for fuck's sake, do you really need to backstab someone that bad? Find a cheap suite and start reading palms, no one gives a fuck. The options are endless.

The issue I always see when someone is taking their misconstrued nonsense too seriously is that they're abandoning every practical course of action in favor of one that's glamorous or satisfying to the ego. Most times it's a revenge fantasy tangled up in their natural will and ambition to succeed. And always, always, these things are coupled with a complete absence of experience to show them how unnecessary this shit is in the first place.

Life ain't glamorous for everyone, kiddo, but it's certainly not hard. Success might be hard, sure, but living is fucking cake. Getting laid is too easy to call for a list of books to read. Take it from me, I come from low places. I've cut a lot of cords, stabbed a lot of backs, and burned a lot of bridges, and none of it benefited me except to cut the bullshit out of my life. I and no one I know has ever had to do anything of the sort in the name of success, and you are not Zuckerberg. You and your job do not matter. You live a boring life and you're looking for the wrong ways to spice it up.

Maybe I'm wrong. I could be. But if you're the person I'm writing this for I'm correct, and you know it. Deep in your balls, you know I'm right.

Read the sidebar. Fuck a married chick if she wants it; You're always saying you want to red pill your buddy and the sub--unanimously--is always telling you how there's few ways to as effectively waste your time. But the quickest way to get someone from beta bucks to here is to ruin their marriage. Maybe you know that. I sure as shit do.

Embrace intelligently applied amorality. See wanton, immoral behavior as the toxicity that it is. Quit wasting your time with meaningless moral action. Start thinking about your reputation and own your face. Keep your shit tight and the mindset you seek will naturally establish itself. You can be a pussy or a man, and you're already one or the other. Et cetera.

Edit: Some words added, some removed.