This is probably the most fun I've ever had reading the NY Times. If you haven't read this yet, check out this archived version of the article here.

The author predictably takes a condescending tone towards men and their little guy problem with a video of men crying at the top of the page and sarcastic bullet points such as:

  • Men are testing their sperm at home in tiny CENTRIFUGES — and dosing up on testosterone!
  • Start-ups and doctors have good news: Male anxiety is treatable.
  • Don’t cry, soy boy — just get out of the Jacuzzi.

The author sources theredpill as well as Rollo Tomassi as manosphere spokesmen, but the best quote - by far - was from RooshV:

"Daryush Valizadeh, who runs The Return of Kings, a men’s rights site, called the situation “a biological crisis” and one that women struggle to understand.

“Tell your editor to stop being an idiot and reassign the article to a man,” he wrote in a direct message on Twitter. “Then get in touch with me.”

And what's a NYTimes piece without a little fake news? She quickly dismisses the soy:low-T connection as simply a myth, even though this has not been shown to be true. 1 2

The truth is, there's a lot of varying factors that might cause low sperm count but there just isn't much push to figure it out. The author suggests simply not using hot tubs as an actual "cure" but the problem isn't as simple.

I did a little research on the hot tub theory and it's simply not that clear.

Many articles suggested hot tubs are the primary cause of infertility in men, while others insist that hot tubs aren't hot enough to kill sperm that have already been produced, but simply pause sperm production which requires lower temperatures until you are out. Otherwise, a hot shower itself would be killing our sperm counts every day.

Experiments with heat and male sperm counts were performed, finding that temperatures of 107F and greater had actual effects. Most hot tubs don't go higher than 104F.

(I don't have the sources handy on this one but I'll post them later if I can find them).

Once again, male issues are given exactly the reverence our culture and society believe they deserve, and our soy-boy nation gets another pass as we self medicate Western Civilization into extinction.