I see people on /ask all the time asking overly specific questions, especially with regards to women. Usually it's two or three paragraphs long and it contains a bunch of information that isn't relevant to the people answering. OP's get advice that falls into two categories: lift, and next her. Both are solid pieces or advice.

But the thing is OP is probably not going to do either because the Holy Sidebar gives him this advice anyways. He should understand the underlying principles and forge his own course of action through them. Abundance mentality for example. "I can fuck plenty of women so I don't need to put up with her." Easy extrapolation, if you've been on the sub for a day you could come to that conclusion.

OP wants an answer that justifies him going against RP maxims. A pretty arrogant move because he assumes he can play the game better than the people answering the questions. Or conversely you can call it cowardly when he doles out a plan of action and seems to only be looking for encouragement from you guys.

But I challenge the people making self-posts on ask to build up their gut feeling. For example, since I live in a town too small for Tinder, I drew up a plan to attract new women from Snapchat. I was aware of the building attraction through text rule, but these are tons of beautiful women that I'll never see again. I'm going to college next month. It was a good testing ground. Fortunately it didn't work out and now I don't have to worry about spending date money. Positive side to everything.

So instead of asking the questions, just use a little direction using TRP guidelines and test the theories yourself. Instead of saying guys that are short can't get laid and start asking guys on /ask what they think, crazy idea, try to get laid. Instead of asking if your reinventive lifting program will work, try it and post results. If you're asking if MMA is an acceptable substitute for lifting, you shouldn't be, you should rear naked choking people.

Your unwillingness to try new things is killing you as a man. I started putting my music out and all my friends said dont, why are you doing this, you're gonna suck, etc. And yeah, I'm not great, but I'm getting real feedback from people instead of some obscure internet rapper no one's ever heard of.

I had a gut feeling that I'd be happier if I released my music, and I am a lot happier. But even if you fail with that reinventive program or that girl from Snapchat leaves you on opened when you introduce yourself, or you get slapped in the face cuz you pushed when you should've pulled, you're a better man because failure hurts less.

Alternatively, if you only follow other people's methods, you start to like X is wrong with you, therefore you can't Y. And you will fail either way. The first take will always be worse than the second, which will be worse than the third. But if I see that if you're not really doing Y if you don't have X inputs, then I'm going to think I'm just not cut out for Y.

Or if it's a specific real world situation and not just a theory you drew up, if you go against that gut instinct you're always going to wonder how it turned out the opposite way.

In conclusion, and the TL:DR, you know exactly what you need to do. You know you better than we know you. Stop asking what to do and just be willing to fail.