I recently was talking to a single mother. Throughout the course of our convo I noticed a common theme that kept cropping up:

Lack of accountability.

This particular mother was in a very precarious situation, but one all commonly seen to often.

She was 28, and although she still looked good physically, she was a wreck emotionally. She was recently separated from her 6 yr marriage. Her ex was in prison and left her holding the bag with two kids under 5, and no money,

Now I’m the surface, the blue pill. Sheep society would hear this tale of misery and automatically feel sympathy for this “poor woman” But if they bothered to look closer, they’d discover that this woman is anything but “poor”

Through the course of our convo, I learned that her ex was a “high value man” See he owned a real estate company with a buddy of his. The location they operated was in and around NYC.l, so this man had status and money. He made money hand over fist, and was pretty “high value”

Or so it seemed. See homeboy had a few personality flaws. One was he enjoyed cocaine. So any disposable income he did make, was used on blow.

He had a volatile temper, and was physically and emotionally abusive. Add in a persecution complex and you can piece together how things with him went in a marriage He got caught committing larceny and fraud by cashing false checks and went to jail

This particular single mother who was married to him have the same “he wasn’t the man I married” and she “couldn’t believe he’d do this, and that wasn’t him”

I asked her how she could not see the disconnect in what she was saying, and what actually happened And she looked at me with a general look of confusion. As if I asked her something she never contemplated.

I proceeded to tell her that I found it hard to believe that she dated, and eventually married a man who she had no idea was a piece of shit.

People don’t change usually. Upstanding, hardworking, true high value, alpha males, don’t one day flip a switch and become emotionally abusive, needy criminals.

So what’s the lesson here?

Woman’s instincts overuse any logic she has. She got tingles for an “alpha” who ended up being a false alpha. She knew he was a false alpha, and low value, but bc of tingles, feelings and social conditioning, she let this low value man impregnate her, twice.

She truly couldn’t understand her lack of accountability when it came to her lot in life. She told me this sob story about how awful her ex is, without a hint of irony in the fact that she didn’t properly vet this man before marriage and she married and let him impregnate her.

Not once did it occur to her, that maybe, just maybe, she is as culpable as he is. Sure he’s a piece of shit, but nobody forced her to marry him, nobody forced her to get knocked up.

Bottom line. These single mothers are lacking any accountability and are truly disconnected to how they in any shape, are responsible for their situation