My brother and I built a backyard ice rink at his house. We both used to play hockey (him really well, me poorly) and my dad used to make an ice rink in the back for us. This is something we both missed so this year things came together and we built a rink in his yard (mine is too small).

Christmas Day and Boxing Day we spent hours skating, taking shots, and running drills (1 on 1, 2 on 1, 2 on 0) with a friend of ours. I got my daughter skates for Christmas and so she got to skate for the first time in her life.

On New Year's Eve we have an all night 3 on 3 game planned; six guys, no chicks and a bunch of pot cookies/gummies for those who partake (I definitely partake).

I HATE winter but this winter is turning out to be absolutely awesome. The feeling of being on the ice again- man, it's GREAT. And it's 4 minutes from my house, available 24/7 and free of charge.

To think New Year's Eve used to be spent at the in-laws making small talk, dressed in clothes I don't like wearing and pretending to be someone I'm not and now I'm going to be blasted on edibles playing hockey with a group of guys, flying down the ice free as a bird. For once Happy New Year will actually mean HAPPY New Year :)

How the FUCK can anyone want to be married when you can be a mgtow and live like you're 10 years old (ie free and fun with friends)?

EDIT: To those asking for pics I can do that. I'll post something after New Year's. Maybe a little video.