Some passing thoughts from a man who had a loaded .45 in his mouth twenty minutes ago.

I've been struggling hard with swallowing this pill. Very hard. Suicidal hard. How can the world be like this? Something so base and petty? A world where we are beholden to women with the minds of children let run wild and rule us and worse still, that these women even have such a devolved mind? A mind with what can be said has no capacity for what we perceive as faithful, holy and, nay, human? And that's just the catalyst for a much more terrifying realization that the world really is just exactly how the most hardcore nihilists describe it, and even further beyond into what some can stare at and describe as pure Hell.

The destruction of the West.

The dehumanization of the human.

You know, there's two times when you hear a word. The first is when you hear it. The second is when you feel it. Everyone around us nowadays is casually saying "oh this world is falling into the crapper lol" without actually realizing they even say it. Just a passing remark at some minor annoyance.

But then one day you come to realize that those words are true. And you feel the full gravity of them. They are no longer empty words. They are a prophesier of doom. And it's a scary thing to think about, the fall of Western culture. What's going to take its place? A generation of confused, broken children who don't know what it is they are feeling? Broken up families that will ensure the next generation of ruin? A blunting of sensibilities in the face of all these fucking screens? The loss of a little bit of our humanity, replaced with something artificial?

If it doesn't scare you, then you are not thinking enough.

I have only been 'redpilled' in earnest for maybe the past five months. I'm mid twenties, somehow still in college, and for reasons I cannot get into, my life has currently been forced to grind to a halt. I can no longer run, lift weights, or go out with my friends. And it's soul rending to have to be chained down like that.

After being dumped by the closest thing to the fictional Unicorn, mainly because I was being too much of a crybaby (oh boy when has that ever happened), I resolved to see if life had anything better to offer and if not, I would kill myself. Well hilariously, things only got worse. I think I'm not legally allowed to say but there's valid reason for the depression.

Anyways enough about me.

I've come to the conclusion that human males are all meant to be the lowest dregs of a society, with nothing in store for them besides excruciating loneliness and a lifetime of nothing but work. No happiness. No love. No wealth.

Millions at a time. Faceless millions. Men who's pain will never be heard or healed. Who can only curl up and cower in fear and sadness at the eternity of agony that begins to wrap around them. I think that's one of the things that disturbs me most - how dispensable men are. Not just now but obviously throughout history.

But every-now-and-then, one man will rise among the black mounds of faceless sufferers. And he is crowned King of all the lands, and he achieves happiness, love and wealth beyond anybody's wildest dreams. He makes the amount of sex women get seem trivial. His fame towers over countless millions of what might as well be called the slave-men, who bear his burden for him - the pain tax, you might call it.

Out of every one hundred million men a King is made.

Or does a man make himself the King?

Is it fate? The sheer numbers of withering souls all pouring their suffering into a single perfect human? I don't know. None of us do. Jordan Peterson doesn't. Donald Trump doesn't. And no the mods don't know it either.

This has been the natural order of the world. Out of the darkness comes a titan of a man to rule over all. Until just recently.

What we all can colloquially refer to as "The Left" has put artificial restrictions on men. This already microscopic funnel that a man must fit through to become this fabeled King, grows smaller because of them. A place of effort and ambition is being synthetically forced open for the interlopers - women.

The childish, petty part of my mind to this day throws tantrums over how women can get all the sex they want in the world, while now they get to have a wonderful career too. Normally you'd have to choose (like us men do). But I know they have not just a constitutional right, but a human right to pursue a career and at the same time suck as many dicks dry as they want while they hang a poor faceless sufferer up and milk him of all of his money. It makes me sick, but it's their right.

So what do we all do? Just keep doing what everyone on this sub says and maybe one day we will become that fabled King that I have told you about? Yea, I guess that's the goal of this sub, isn't it?

But those faceless men. Those born without fathers or anyone to show them the way, told to follow a path they can't see, while what few advantages they have left are taken from them in the name of "equality".

The system is changing. And even before then, I was still abhorred by it.

I can't look at women any more. A scoff at happy couples because I know she's either got n'th amount of side-dicks on speed dial, or she will in the future. I don't give these weak nu-males and most women the time of day anymore. I've gotten heartbreakingly lonely ever since I've had this pill forced down my throat.

This system. A hundred million lives in exchange for a King, even though it's being warped into something even worse, where all men fall back into painful obscurity in the rise of the protected superclass of women and whoever can be the biggest victim, I still don't like it.

It's not fair.

Many people on this sub say to "Enjoy the decline." and I think that's bullshit. Donald Trump is in office right now because people think that's bullshit. He is the culmination of outrage of a dying majority who have had their dignity, love, wealth and happiness taken from them by what we call "The Left".

This sub is probably the best sub on reddit for improving yourself as a man. And yes the system is fucked. Women are animals. But to say nothing can be done to change it is nihilism. And I don't know how to do it. And it's a scary thing to think about. But this sub is a factory of prime men, and we have to change this world, one person at a time. It's the greatest fight there ever will be.

Perhaps one day we can all be Kings.

tldr: Society is geared towards disproportionate male wealth (one man takes the wealth of a hundred), while women get a nice pleasant average. This system is being taken apart and replaced by something even worse (all women get everything, men are erased). This change must be stopped and the old system changed somehow. Obviously I don't have answers. This is all theory from a man coming back from the brink of a suicide attempt.