When SJW talk about MGTOW, TRP and other manosphere groups, they usually say it is full of toxic masculinity and anger. The implication being that anger or hate is bad. The liberals have repeated this mantra, anger or hate is bad, that it has become accepted as truth. Simply put they want you to feel guilty about being angry so it avoids you from taking some sort of action.

Like most liberal cures, it makes the patient worse, and then the liberal blames the patient for not getting better, prescribes more of the same. Eventually you end up with the man doing something like running a van into a bunch of women.

Simply put, anger is a call for action. Do something to change the situation at a personal level. So a common theme lately, is I hate women. MGTOW solution is stop allowing women to have control over your life. The closer one becomes to that goal, the less anger there is.

In the past, I might have gotten angry at reading an MGTOW/TRP post about some BS women have done. Most of the time, I am laughing my head off. Some chick ask me to help her, I might have gotten angry in the past. Now I either ignore her or I ask her straight out, what are you going to do for me in return? Answer ofcourse is nothing. I am then laughing my head off.

I wrote a long oist about this over a year ago. Might be useful for some.

Stigmatizing male anger for social control http://acrackletsthelightin.info/2016/12/27/Stigmatizing-male-anger-for-social-control/