TL : DR - If you want the world to love the 'real you', guess what... RIP JBY. And RIP Compartmentalization.

But you have roles to play in this life, so become the right you in tune with the reality of that role. If that means becoming a high value man along the way, you'll see that when you change, your life and relationships, everything changes.

So you might have been struck by the red lightning, fallen, been crushed by the realities of life, survived, searched for a solution, found what you needed, followed the advice, worked on your body and mind, got rid of bad habits, handled yourself with respect, massively improved your SMV by changing everything from your personality, speaking wit, game skills, charm, experience, whatever.

The results may be there for you to see. You might not recognize yourself in the mirror. Everyone treats you differently. People who were repulsed by you earlier might be swooning at the mere sight of you now. Some people will not like the new you and they may give you JBY advice and others may even get hostile.

At this stage, you can suddenly get this itch in your mind that people only like you for the way to appear to them and not the "real you" - you might even feel like you're faking it, always trying to be someone else. You might even remember the story of Bernard Shaw that he wasn't allowed in a restaurant without the right clothes and he claimed later on that his clothes needed to be fed rather than him. Ah, it would be so good if people just loved you as you are, right? You can get into a second anger phase thinking that 'everything's fake' and "It's all about the outer appearances".

Ok. First up, what are you anyway? What's fake and what's real? What is outer and inner?

Well, here's something earth shattering to think about - there is no such thing as the "real you".

What you think of as yourself is not fixed. Look back at old photos of yourself if you can - every cell in your body's changed since then. What you call as you is an arrangement of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, energies, body cells, clothes, money, designations, names, actions, achievements, likes and dislikes and throw anything else here. None of these things are fixed. They are all like your clothes -- all of them can be changed. Some of them can be changed more easily than others, but they are all clothes. You accumulated them, changed them, shed them, but what you call as an "you" is all an accumulation.

If any of these things you call as yourself change, YOU change. Maybe your name or fingerprints didn't change, but no one but crime scene investigators pay attention to that. In practice, you will see for yourself that if any one of these things change, the very vibes of your existence that you send out will change. What you call as yourself are in fact only these clothes that you've been wearing the whole time. Yup, clothes maketh the man, because what is a 'man' is only clothes!

The rest of the world ONLY relates to you as your clothes - your accumulated stuff is the only thing that even makes you visible to their eyes or perceivable to their experience. There is no "real person" underneath that which anyone can relate to. Because you changed, everyone treated you differently from before. Because you changed, your life changed. Most of the things you call as 'yourself' or 'your nature' is just inborn or acquired habit - it has just gone in so deep it runs on autopilot.

Some stuff in you are easy to change. Others are not so easy to change and will offer a lot of resistance, and some stuff you're stuck with for the rest of your life, but don't worry, even they have an expiry date. You'll have to accept this and do the best you can with that.

Somewhere though, even looking at your own baby photos, no matter how many things have changed, there is a perception that you're still looking at yourself and not anyone else. You were alive then and you are alive now. That never changes. You sort of realize that basic aliveness is something that never changes underneath all those things that do change. That is bare, naked life, with no designation or form. The trouble is, it is like a blank wall of being -- no one really perceives that directly, and no one can do anything with that, and no one can really relate to that because it is truly nothing. You realize it when you see a dead body that was alive yesterday, but again it's only a dead body that makes it possible for you to observe it.

But even those ideas of who you were before are only due to memory. If your memory was wiped clean, you would not be able to recognize your own past photos as yourself. In fact, if the people around could totally forget the fact that you were once obese, overweight, socially awkward, poor at being a man, whatever, they'd totally treat you differently with ease, but past memory puts resistance into their minds. Emotions need underlying memory to function. If I didn't remember how you were once, I wouldn't be able to hate you, because there are no bad memories of you.

In fact the only reason why you find it uncomfortable to be a different you, is because all that past memory is resisting your transformation - your old habits, beliefs, frame, style, the bacteria in your gut, everything. Your journey to the Red Pill involves dismantling this past memory to a massive extent, and that is uncomfortable. So don't imagine that all others who knew the old you will be able to dismantle their memories of you. It is uncomfortable for them, and many will never take the trouble. It is only the weight of this past memory that makes it far more practical for you to cultivate fresh relationships without baggage as a new person, than to try and change past relationships.

I won't deny this, changing form is painful, for it's like losing a massive investment. But as this truth comes to light, it becomes easier to accept and transform. But you've got to do the right thing.

Pure life then, isn't even about individual identity. All identity is a costume. There is no real you, there is only naked alive being (formless), and accumulated identity (form). And form is the only thing that others can perceive about you and relate to. And forms change. Ego is really fluid, not fixed. What is 'real' and not 'fake' is formless, and that has nothing to do with how the world sees you. In other words, just like you, all relationships are really different levels of 'fake'. You can either allow yourself to get upset over it, or accept the truth and play the game as best as you can, and you can't stay upset forever, it won't help you.

As people find out when they've been kicked out of a prestigious job designation, all the adulation and perks of the job was really only for the chair they sat on.

Why all this Buddhist / Hindu sounding philosophical talk of dropping your ego? Because once you've figured out that everything about you can be changed, you can change yourself into whatever role you need to fulfill, and you hold on to that form till it works for you, and when it doesn't, it needs to be changed. This is the real meaning of the 48th law of power - "be formless". When you realize that form is a costume, you can change your form. And every time you change your form, you are a different you, and everyone will experience you differently.

If there was something good about our old form that worked, we retain that, and what didn't work must go. What can't be changed has to be accepted, till resistance drops. Simple.

The last BP conditioning to go is the idea that what your true self is one thing and what you are trying to become is not the real you, but an act, and that people should love the 'real you' and not the acting you. Well, actually it is all an act - either a terrible one, or a good one. Integrity is when the act is in line with the role you need to play and you play with total involvement, but with awareness.

EDIT : The idea of a real you and a fake you is called 'compartmentalization'. It prevents us from being honest of the truth about ourselves.

The precise definition of trying to conceal 'the genuine you' is really this -- you're creating toxic shame about stuff that you do as an individual that doesn't depend on other people's ideas, you're hiding that out of fear of disapproval and then when you feel powerless, you start complaining that you're acting in a crowd. You think you're elsewhere when you're really here and now. You have an idealized notion of yourself that is out of touch with reality.

The idea that there is a real you and fake you will eventually cause you to go out of integrity down the road - it's why so many religious nice guys have secret porn addictions, get into sex scandals and what not - somewhere they failed to acknowledge that their sexual side is also part of their clothes just as their other clothes, so it never found it's right place. Instead it came out in unhealthy ways. Because of compartmentalization. The religious pious looking self was supposedly their 'ideal true identity', while the sexual self was a 'sinner' and less real - the compartmentalization led to toxic shame. Eventually the religious self caved in to the reality of biology without a healthy idea of handling it. This is why sex scandals are so common in pious looking societies.

With specific reference to TRP, our big problem here as men, is that we've conditioned ourselves into a form that is unfit for the reality of the role we need to play. When that changes to something in line with reality, things change for the better. Knowing that there is no 'real you' as such makes you open to far more possibilities and opportunities.

As a very good example, even more than the examples on this sub, go over to the married red pill sub and check out the success stories. That's one example. And it's significant. In TRP most stuff is about meeting new people or women you've known for a short while. Whereas in MRP you're dealing with cases that know you in and out for years or decades. The impact of change and breaking familiar dysfunctional patterns and becoming a significantly better you in such cases can be massive.

So the next time you want people to "love you as you are" - just remember, this is an ego madness and past memory talking. All this JBY stuff has been said by people heavily invested in their egos, who don't have a damn clue what is it that they call as "themselves". All that you call as yourself is accumulated form, and it can and should be changed for whichever role you should play. Make yourself attractive, and people will be attracted to you.

EDIT: For those who didn't get it, finding formlessness is very powerful - think of here and now as a spiritual man cave that can't be shaken because it just is as it is no matter what happens. If you want to know what I'm really talking about, look at the best athletes and sports stars in god mode on any given day. Playing freely, not giving a fuck about anything, playing like they've got nothing to lose. You may call it confidence or going beserk or you might even call it crazy, but they're simply more alive than normal. This is more than faith. Faith itself is a word whose real meaning isn't understood very well. Most people think it simply means believe in an idea of God and the books - it is so much more than belief when you touch a deeper dimension of it.

A point I picked up from W Anton's "The Manual" (one of the best there is) is that he talks about the confidence of infants and young children who are naturally effortlessly confident at many things because they don't know what a failure or shame even means. We can call that ignorance, but it is confidence because there isn't any belief structure there in the first place. He even ends the book saying that we've forgotten what we were since it was so long ago, before our personality quirks, self assumed ideas and social conditioning hit.

If you understand what Law #48 really means, a lot more possibilities open up for change and transformations. Yes, all of it are roles, and when you have control over yourself you can play those roles far better.

We are talking in the particular context of people who don't understand the basics - they want to be loved and respected as they are, they've got no clue that only people with attractive and respectable personalities get that. Then they get resentful that people love only their outer form and not what they are, but they've got no idea what they're talking about, because form is the only thing that others can relate to. Their own form may be totally incapable of attracting what they need. They'd like to believe identity is a totally fixed thing, and that shoots their potential for self improvement in the foot. This is totally out of touch with reality, and it's the stuff that dumb kids and teenagers are fond of posting on social media. Totally identified with what doesn't work.

The difference between this and being a chameleon is quite subtle, the chameleon Nice Guy changes to try and fit into others' ideas of what they think he should be to gain their approval at the cost of himself - he does so grudgingly, out of touch with what really works, serving someone else's imperatives, playing a lose-win game, and builds up resentment because he feels he's ultimately just an actor. We on the other hand, are talking about stuff that is true and what actually works. Our change is based on what works and it has our full acceptance and involvement first, so it's not an act. We give ourselves that permission and are totally comfortable in whichever skin we are. All our roles become equally genuine. That's what integrity means.

So it's great if you have a good sense of what form of yours works best for a given situation and try to become that as far as possible and keep it till it works. It is better you know this for yourself truly by experience rather than listening to the ever changing propaganda of others who just blabber popular BS that never worked - you'd do yourself a favour if you listen to those that have been there and seen it and succeeded, and how much of that works for you. But all forms can be changed to a massive extent, and what form you adopt determines how you will function and how others react to you. None of these forms are more real than the other, just that some features last till death, others can be changed right away. It's only formless presence in this moment that is unchanging. That's the root. The rest are all malleable, and when you get very good at it, you become very powerful, because you know you can replace dysfunctional forms with much better ones.