Anyone who's heard Megan Trainer's #1 single All About that Bass knows exactly what It's about. The song and video exemplify the message of the fat acceptance movement that being fat is beautiful, and men should think it too.

The thing is, It's so easy to be 'All About that Bass'. I would love to engorge myself day in and day out on Burger King, milkshakes and delicious pastries. What's hard is making gains at the gym, getting a 6-pack or sticking to that keto diet you've just started. The thing is, being 'skinny' or 'fit' is so much more than looking good. The hard work, time and dedication it takes to achieve the body you want undoubtedly extends to other areas of your life and is an outward signal to others of that dedication. Whether It's furthering your career, getting laid or obtaining the social status you've always desired, your body is a symbol of that focus and investment you put into yourself.

So go ahead, be 'All About that Bass' if that's what you want for yourself. But don't expect the same amount of respect that others get for working on the one body they've been given. If I see this man or this woman then I know they take themselves seriously. But if I see this dude or this chick? Well, then I'm not so sure.