Well, not really. As Lucian likes to say, "Let's explore."


  1. Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance.

  2. Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: an arrogant contempt for the weak.

Everyone should have self worth and self importance. This should be unshakable and inviolable.
There is a catch, however. It can't be bluster. You can't fake it until you make it.
You can't be unwillingness to admit errors and mistakes, can't claim expertise you lack, can't pretend your limitations do not exist.

True self confidence and self worth comes from the ability to admit your shortcomings, and to forgive yourself for them. This is called humility.


So who could possible object to a humble person?
Anyone before whom you stand your ground!

People in general, and women in particular, will try to intimidate and browbeat you.
This is a normal and natural aspect of human life.

What happens when you have unshakable confidence? What happens when you will not budge on your beliefs under pressure, only on your terms when you freely change your mind? People loose their shit, that's what. Your unshakable sense of self worth and self confidence is seen as overbearing.

Unwillingness to be submissive is not overbearing among men - but it is among women.

Female society is not like male society. Female hierarchy relies on consensus, agreement, and herd mentality. If you are unwilling to submit to the female herd, the hive mind, you are a threat.

The best label they have for this is "arrogant."

When a woman calls you arrogant, she is complaining that she is unable to coerce or manipulate you.