For anyone that knows Lui Marco (baby please), he drops gems of TRP truths on his channel and I came across one video that baffled me. I'm surprised I never came across the advice he shared in his video, on the TRP sub.

He states that women are inherently/instinctively meant to be monogamous, whereas men are meant to be polygamous given our genetic coding and animal instincts. It is well known that Hypergamy is a TRP truth that weakens this comment. However, what took me aback was his explanation of this theory applied to our contemporary society. Women are promoted to date around and have multiple partners until they find "the one". Albeit, not realizing that they will never be satisfied given that they emotionally donate a part of themselves to each partner. Leaving a woman a who was once whole, empty.

If this is clearly how we are naturally and instinctively programmed as human beings, why can't women figure this out themselves? Do they not realize that they actually do themselves more harm than good by being with multiple men?

TLDR; Why are women taught to be like men, when their genetic disposition implies for them to be monogamous. This is more harmful to them and why don't they realize it?