So I'm in the office pulling some late night overtime getting a project done (and redditing when my eyes feel like they will start to bleed.) And I decided to take a self guided tour of the executive offices. In the 3 years I've been here I've never seen the top floor so it was a good opportunity.

My CEO is a self made man from humble origin. Now I'm in his old age he's a multibillionare who owns several businesses in different markets. He bought this land and contracted the office to his design. This place is a fucking theme park for cigar chomping tycoons. This guy has a room with an indoor putting green, a fucking scotch and whisky bar, AND A PRIVATE BATHROOM COMPLETE WITH A WALK IN SHOWER!

Of course I kept my hands to myself outside of turning the lights on. But I can't help but be in awe over a man I've never met. Fuck, what do I have to do to become this?