I decided to go MGTOW in November last year.

For most of my life up until then I had been going through the same events over and over, I saw how men treated women and generally from a young age I was always very supportave of women and sympathetic to their causes, and I feel the majority of men are or at least once were. Men are born into believing that they are an issue for women, that they are a problem and they need to fix themselves to be better men from birth men have guilt from simply being born male.

Being constantly surrounded by women as a child, my goal in life was to be an asset to them. I wanted to be constructive, I wanted to think about others generally, and I dedicated myself to giving all I could to others, and being as helpful as possible, or being the "Nice Guy" as opposed to "The drunk violent husband" or the "sexist boss" or the "desperate loser"

Being the "nice guy" and doing things for women might make their lives easier, but not only was I spending all my time helping women out, I wasn't developing or helping myself. I had been taught that in order to be appreciated or respected or loved as a man I had to be that "nice guy". it was a learned behaviour, and I believe so many men do and will fall into that way of thinking due to how society is structured. With women in major roles throughout a childs development due to the stigma against males doing anything around minors offers women so much control and power to direct and manipulate boys into thinking and acting certain ways. one of the traits I had picked up from my early childhood was that taking advice from women is of paramount importance and that I must always live up to expectations set by women. Listening to women is such a negative confusion and a vice in anyones development as a person, especially a desirable well rounded person.

When I got older, I experienced women that took, and wanted, and expected. The way women see and treat men is on levels of existence that no man would dare treat another man. Sadly It is also a learned behaviour that women should expect men to treat them with not just heightened immediate respect, but with greater care or significance than men, and that even if that man must sacrifice his own time, or health, or finances he should do it because he respects the woman.

I didn't see any give and take, I just saw take. I didn't want to continue investing my time or care or effort into friendships that were built on me being used. There is nothing wrong with a woman seeking what's best, but competition has losers and winners. instead of taking what they need, they often take what they want. As women have asked for more and more from their partners, their fathers and most importantly society they've been given it in the fear that women being disatisfied would lead to unhappiness. They've been taught that men will bend and break to do things, and if one man won't bend, she'll break him and move onto the next man that will.

men constantly move further, and further down when women rise, a very attractive man might not even achieve a marriage with a woman that is on the same level as him financially or genetically, a woman has the option to pick any man she wants, any time she wants.

Women are bullies that do worse than just disregard average looking males, but completely dissect them with stigma and rules they've learned, a woman judges a man so much before they even so much as talk, male emotions are irrelevant to a female. The outside world is female dominated, so much so that so many men now stay indoors and purposefully distance themselves from any negativity.

Women have come to expect "Nice guys" and "Nice guys" are constantly created by our society, but "Nice guys" are just useful idiots, and women use them like useful idiots (beta orbiters). I was that useful idiot, and there were and are thousands of others like me, if not millions that learned these things, and were treated in the same way. Like useful, emotionless idiots. What women would really like is a "bad guy" that can't be controlled and does his own thing, because it's so refreshing for them when their entire existence is manipulating and controlling men emotionally to be denied. Denying a woman makes her want you more, how fucking stupid is that.

Men are constructed to be expendable and to put women always before themselves, that they are second class, that women deserve more representation and more benefits and better education and they will always be second, and they must be supportive. Men are built to be "Nice guys" but women are tired of "Nice guys", women use and destroy "Nice guys".

The truth is women are just broken at a fundamental level, in a situation where they could live with an attractive poor man with big dreams or an ugly man that's achieved his dreams, they will always choose option B and sleep with option A whilst always on the lookout for option C, they only care about improving their situation. They achieve this in the worst ways with threats and destroying your own reputation to preserve theirs. They know that would eventually cause grief for both parties, but they don't care. They don't even care about their own faults anymore because they are literally untouchable. Women do not rely on men emotionally but are interested in male resources. It is my strong opinion that a percentage of women only stay in relationships due to material possession and stability, and women more than anything seek the best provider. Women will therefore avoid men that do not seem like a provider and judge everyone and anyone they meet.

Women don't really believe in love either, they want the biggest house, the most attractive boyfriend, the most expensive ring and wedding, they want limitless expenditure, they want the most successful kids, they want all of these things to boast and show off how great and wonderful they are, to show that they are better than others. The most unattractive women, with no career prospects, with poor education and bad genetics can find a partner within a day, simply because she is a woman. A man with these same traits will be alone for the remainder of their life.

In most long-term relationships in 2017 women have decided their mate, not the man. women consume the resources, not the man. and the man often works extremely hard whilst the women gets by from his earnings. Although this isn't the case in some relationships, even if the woman is the dominant earner, she still chooses, and has even more power to leave the relationship if she feels her partner is inadequate. so much power owned by women that have very little worth except beauty and the power of free selection of whomever she chooses to 'love'. The husband needs to work his ass off to provide these things, and if he doesn't, she cheats, they divorce, she takes half of his paycheck for the next 18 years and moves onto the next poor dude and he never see's his kids again, what a great life, right?

In my mind the emotional turmoil a woman can inflict upon a man or multiple men is several magnitudes greater than what a man could ever inflict upon a woman. Women have everything on their side, education, the legal system, at home, at work. Even if the man isn't at fault, it's always presumed that he is in the wrong and that women can do no wrong, and women know that, and commit wrongs knowing that even if they get caught, the affect on them is minor, and the damage they can inflict can ruin a mans reputation, finances, emotional state or life. Even if a man so much as refutes an accusation in the wrong way, he could be faced with additional charges based on an original false accusation. The woman will always run to authorities and use them like a shield, when men really don't have that option, and the shield that's meant to defend them too is the same one slamming them repeatedly in the face.

movies always show women as the emotional ones, when in reality this isn't true either. think about all the men that are abandoned, think about the opportunities they lose or are never given because they aren't women. think about all those homeless men on the street that weren't even given a chance, born to deadbeat drug addict single mothers. I'd say that most women aren't even capable of reaching the same lows men are.

I've dedicated my life to solving others problems and helping people, but after discovering I'd need to chase women in some overly-esoteric shitshow of emotions and rules, yet treat them like shit which they apparently prefer, and work myself to the top 10% to score a women in the lowest 40% I was pretty surprised that this is really the case for me.

Eventually I said, why would I ever put in all of that work just to become a slave to some woman that only cares about me if I keep pushing myself to the very edge and dedicating my life to her happiness whilst I go bald and broke? I never would.

I'd say i'm finally over women entirely since i don't even really think about women in the slightest anymore besides this post, which is quite a difference when my entire existence last year was dictated by what women wanted me to do, or say, or feel, or think.

It feels free and refreshing, most of the stress I had is now gone forever never to return and for the first time in a long time I can finally do what I want to do, and need to do, and not care about any womans opinions. I've spent a lot of this time improving myself for myself, and no woman will ever share those successes because I've decided to go my own way. I do not want to live my life under constant fear, living within constant rules, under constant stress trying to attain goals any women wants to and doesn't have any right to oppose upon me.

I occasionally come back here from time to time to hear others stories and come to extremely similar conclusions, more often than not they correlate and reaffirm this way of existing to really be a constructive way forward free of the dangers that can come from a womans spite, and i am truly happy when i hadn't been previously for years.

It's not been easy, but now i'm on the other side of the "Red Pill Rage" it's gotten much easier. I don't hate women at all, I don't hate feminists at all, I don't hate people on the other side that try to change feminists. I just don't want to really be involved. They can do their thing and I'll do mine, if they ever try to shit on my parade i'll build a better parade. if they invite themselves, i get them removed, if they belittle me, i ignore them. It's pretty easy when you think about it.

I chose a different path through life, the complete abandonment of women, the nullification of their influence,their dreams, their emotions, their fears, their wants, their needs, their existence. these things all mean the same to me, absolutely nothing. and although one man choosing to not be a part of that system means nothing, or could be seen as pathetic, so be it. hope to see you on the other side.