Not fuck buddies. Not friends with benefits. Not someone who borrows money from you. Actual friends male or female respect your boundaries and never put you in a position to fuck you over.

I've actually had more guy friends try and fuck me over than female friends (childhood friend recently reported me to a terrorist hot line... He was an SJW, but a male none the less). But I'd say those numbers are about right because I have more guy friends than female friends.

Btw, most of the female friends I put in this category are women that I have to either work with or have known for years (from school or other friends). I don't want to fuck them and they know not to fuck with me.

The reason I'm even writing this up is because I wrote another post about having a conversation with a female friend and alot of fucking idiots in this sub kept commenting their shock that I still "talk" to women or choose to befriend them Lololololol.

This is not a cult. It's called mgtow. Not "separate yourself from humanity except for men." Unless you move to a secluded desert island it's pretty impossible to avoid females especially when you live in a big city like me. I don't give a fuck if you still want to date or even get married (though I'll still try and talk you out of it). You're a mgtow so do what ever you want. Just understand the risks and be smart about it.

But you don't get to come on here and act like you're a better mgtow because you" don't speak to females." I'll save you time right now and tell you suck my fat Balls etc etc. if you try and come at me with that attitude.

Women are not the enemy, they never were. If you do your research you'll find that feminism was created by other men and they used women to do their bidding for them. Women have no power over men, and can only maintain their control in the legal system with the help of other men who enforce this shit. These men are Cucks, blue pill Simps, white knight manginas etc... But they want Control... And it's working. They already won, hence why we're going mgtow.

I still love women. I just won't get married to them or let them put me in position that can fuck me over financially or mentally. I talk to them on my time line, not theirs. Big difference there.

Some people in this sub think it's cool to harbor hatred towards women. You need to Do you and appreciate your freedom to harbor that hatred. But don't try to shame other men who don't do that. It only shows your negative bitterness, and no one wants to be around that. This is a place that we communicate and share stories/information with each other. Not a place to try and silence opinions you don't agree with. Or else your no different than these antifa cock suckers.

MGTOW isn't just men who have been fucked over in divorce court, or had women cheat on them, or falsely accused them of rape/abuse . It's men CHOOSING to go their own way. Everyone on here is at a different point in their lives and I've personally learned a ton from people on here sharing their horror stories or their successes.

Lots of TFL'rs and woman haters (people who hate a woman regardless of who they are before they even open their mouths) are hiding under the mgtow guise, using it for their selfish gain. And I just want to say, that I have no problem calling you out when I see you. Get fucked.

Women were never the problem. The system in which they've been allowed to run amok is the PROBLEM. And that has to do with our own fellow men, no one else.

I don't need to have female friends in my life. I simply choose to....because MGTOW