This is a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood mod.

Lately I have been seeing more Johnny-come-lately chucklefucks trying to impose their definition of what the Red Pill IS. A lot of you are coming in here, still dripping-wet from that bucket of vaginal ejaculate that society dumped on you, declaring that the Red Pill is about self-improvement. As if saying that is going to score you brownie points with any left-wing, liberal-minded interlocutor who may be watching you from the sidelines. Or maybe you are still so inept with women that you are trying to convince yourself that your ineptitude does not matter, because that is not what the Red Pill is REALLY about anyways.

Your personal rationalization does not interest me.

Let us set the record straight:

The Red Pill is a tool box. That is all.

Yes, there are a great many tools inside the Red Pill that can be used to improve your life. In fact, pretty much ALL of them do. But that does NOT give the Red Pill some kind of implicit agenda or purpose.

You do not point at a tool box and say "This tool box is for building houses!" If you did, you would be rightly regarded as a moron by any man who has ever used the tools in that box to fix a car, or erect a fence, or turned a screw driver backwards and stuffed the handle into his bitch's pussy to humiliate her.

Whatever your goals may be, the tools are available for you to use, or not, as you need. But YOU need to decide what those goals are. Not society. Not feminism. Not any two-month Gronk! who fancies himself a pussy-wizard. You.

So again:

The Red Pill is a tool box without specific purpose. YOUR GOALS are the purpose, and you use tools to fulfill it.

Telling people "what the Red Pill is supposed to be about" is far worse than being incorrect - it is you apologizing for being you.

That is a dangerous habit. Extracting apologies from you is how feminism throws your free will back in the slammer.

Search deep down inside of yourself, figure out what it is you are ashamed of, and stamp it out before it destroys you slowly from the inside. Then decide your purpose and use the hell out of these tools.

Carry on.