PSA: Just want to add some notes to this edition.

Make sure all of you guys take care of your health (mental and physical). 40+ years on this spec of dirt and from that I learned that no one (except MAYBE some close male friends) gives a shit about you. We are all dealing with shit and YOU are YOUR top priority. You need to come first in your pecking order.

I implore all of the newbies here to understand that you cannot expect "them" to help. They are merely waiting for you to shut up and do something for them. It eerily reminds me about a comic i once saw of Lois Lane and Clark post coitus where he is asleep and the caption says "But is he really the best I can do?"

I would like to add to this discussion:

What are YOU doing to take care of yourself this weekend?

This sub a beacon for men who have been going their own way and finding their own purpose/meaning in life. That being said, while i think there are a plethora post out there warning us of all the hazards that can and WILL befall a man... why not have a weekly post to celebrate the GOOD THINGS in MGTOW lives!!! This post is here (hopefully weekly) to highlight some of the awesome things we all are doing for ourselves. Anything from, waking up/going to bed when you want, see a movie YOU want to see, buy a motorcycle, buy a house, buy a camel, take a month long hike... whatever!!! Post your MGTOW life here so we can all celebrate and infuse some greatness into everyone lives. Lets show new comers the greatness that awaits.