You're responsible for going to meet people. How? Go do just that. Go places. Talk to people. These posts are largely useless, and deny the agency you must accept and cherish, build, as a red man. The need to ask instead of try and do is another bar in your sexual and progressive modality.


"how do I meet people", translation (do the thinking for me)

You meet people by doing just that, going to fucking meet people. It is the modern digital age, Google local free events and get moving. Use meet up. You are responsible for not meeting people. Don't come here begging for false confirmation by planning, mining, complaining, just fucking go out. Every day. Get turned down a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand times. Build up thick skin. If you've done that and are still having issues, post an fr and ask for help. Don't show up with nothing in hand. Have you been doing what you're afraid of for at least 3 months? No? Then we can't help you because you're too afraid to take control.

You leave the house, you go out for a walk, join a meet up, go to the club, and speak to everyone. You don't need us to tell you to dress up, put on your shoes, open your front door, go to x location, speak to people and ice break, come home, and do it again in a day or two. You don't need us to tell you to initiate conversation with everyone, until your voice is failing and your ego calloused.

You don't need us to walk you through basic steps for doing a quick Google search on local events, compare them to your interests, and schedule that shit. Or even better, it's starting in an hour? Skip the rest of this post and fucking go.

Stop acting like a 1st mate, you don't need to defer to captain redpill. If you're failing to grasp this and submitting questions this simple and self evident, I suggest going back to monk mode, rereading the sidebar, and punching yourself in the balls while repeating this mantra, I do things. I take risks. I'm not helpless.

Then go act.


Now I understand extreme circumstances. Maybe you live in the boonies and don't have a car. Maybe you are in bed rest. Maybe you're working so much you have no time.  There's a simple way to address extremes. You take your agency and apply it to the sub issue, in reference to the above, you work on getting your own transportation, you concentrate on healing up, you sacrifice time working for time to meet people.

There are easilly written, and I understand they take time to achieve. that's fine. Post a rant, it can be healthy for you to explain yourself, to share your struggle with someone, but be acting long before you begin bitching. You think you'll get laid if a girl hears you ask stupid questions like how do I meet people? without some extreme contextual circumstance? Even she knows, you go. You get off your ass and fucking go.


  • don't ignore your agency. 
  • don't ask when you can try or do. 
  • extremes are permitted, chances are you're not in the extreme. 
  • there are myriad free ways to gather information on where to go. 
  • be inactive, indecisive, and too safe, and be seen as insufficient by women.

Thankyou for your time. Now get up and move. pdf in the comments.