We've all heard women lamenting the fact that females can be called "sluts," but men cannot. By now everyone at TRP should understand the reasons underlying this reality. But I'd like to delve a little deeper into this distinction, and argue that there is a male equivalent of a slut, but he goes by a different name.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

This is a very powerful bit of knowledge, and everyone should internalize this statement. It has more profound implications than you may realize.

A "slut" is commonly defined as a woman who gives away sex too easily. But I think this too precise a definition, for sex means different things to men and women.

The commodity that women have to offer is sex. The commodity that men have to offer is commitment. The sexual game is a negotiation of sex for commitment.

Consider this definition: A "slut" is a person who gives away their good/commodity too easily.

From this perspective, a man can be a slut, not by giving away sex, but by giving away his commitment too freely. We already have a pejorative for such men: Beta Orbiter.

The Beta Orbiter is the male equivalent of a Slut.

The purpose of these terms as a pejorative is to shame those who undervalue their own commodity and thus create an imbalance in the sexual market.

I've heard many men complaining that women have all the power and leverage in the sexual negotiation process. This is simply not true, and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the truth stated above.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

If a man desires a woman's sex MORE than a woman desires his commitment, then the man may try to offer his commitment in an attempt to secure her sex.

In such a relationship, the man is a Beta Orbiter, and the woman has the power.

If a woman desires a man's commitment MORE than a man desires her sex, then the woman may try to offer her sex in an attempt to secure his commitment.

In such a relationship, the woman is a Slut, and the man has the power.

The sexual game is a negotiation of sex for commitment. Think of it like a classic drug deal stand-off. "You got the money?" "Yeah, I got the money. You got the stuff?" "Yeah I got the stuff. Give me the money." "Nah bro, you give me the stuff first."

Your goal as a man in the sexual marketplace is simply to make sure sex comes before commitment. You achieve this by being valued more highly than you value others. It is important to keep in mind that value is subjective, not objective. To Maintain Frame simply means to consistently hold your own commodity as extremely valuable until others are convinced of your reality. At the same time, you have to view women's commodity as being less valuable than your own, so that you get more of it in the negotiation process.

From this perspective, the traditional path of dating and courtship had some sense to it. In the ideal courtship process, instead of one party unilaterally putting their commodity on the table, it was a slow progression of escalation on both sides. A little commitment here, a little sexuality there, back and forth, until a full-fledged and intimate relationship is formed based on trust.

I've created this simple graphic to illustrate these ideas.

Imagine a businessman giving away his product in exchange for validation. He would not remain in business long. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must guard your commodity. Don't sell it too freely, or you are a fool who is being taken advantage of, and will lose the public's respect. When people see that you value your own product and are willing to firmly negotiate for it, others will respect you for it.

This is a very easy game to win. Value your own product more than you value others. Convince women by your Frame and SMV that your commitment is extremely valuable, and that their sex has little value, and they will place heaps of it at your feet.