tl;dr What i've realize about women, and i believe archwinger pointed it out, it's not about being " real " it's about fantasy to women, that's what they are attracted too, making their emotions and imagination go wild. Majority of women are like this and what the same thing i would say it's their default nature.

He first goes about the courtship by sending her lavish gifts… which gets him nowhere. Soon after, one of his old caretakers takes pity on him and offer him some advice (little did he know that she had seduced some of the most famous men in the land).As she rightly put it, courting a woman is like waging war. You must completely break down her defenses. And so, she had the count do the opposite of everything he had known. She had him stop going to parties where the countess would expect to see him. She had him attend balls with the most beautiful women in France in order to make the countess jealous. She had him appear unexpectedly at salons (the discussion kind) where the countess would be.The result was that the countess was going crazy for the count. The old lady heard through the grapevine that the countess was asking incessantly about this intriguing man. The old lady knew that just a couple of more moves would put the countess in the willing arms of her charmer.Unfortunately, that moment never came. At a party soon after, the count found himself alone with the countess. And under the influence of liquid temptation, he confessed his true feelings for the countess. And what had been intrigue and excitement now turned to disgust and manipulation. The countess now knew that he had been taking all of his actions just because of her. She got up awkwardly and dismissed herself – never to be heard from again.The count spoiled the game. Even if he was tired of the game, taking a bold action like trying to kiss her would have been a much better play than just confessing his feelings. That would’ve kept up the air of intrigue and excitement. But once you confess your feelings, it’s over. There is nowhere to go from there. And unless the girl feels exactly the same way, you’ve lost the game.

it's all about the thrill of the moment, it's not about anything real, women's true unconditional love is in a moment. This is what i failed to realize at a younger age, it's about having mystery and continuously playing the game, as the count did, if you confess your feelings the game is pretty much over, she has nothing more to thrill her, to make her imagination go wild, this is why most women cheat, they're looking for fun. If you're no longer mysterious to her she will go elsewhere looking for that thrill. That's the reason why we resent marriage in this day and age, the odds are practically stacked against you, she was nothing to work with, nothing to excite her emotion, you're more than likely to get cheated on if you're being faithful or in a very long LTR relationship. Now don't get me wrong, a redpill man that knows what he's doing, i believe won't let this happen. That's why i admire patrice O'neal he had his LTR for 7 years and still kept her interested.

I have a good friend who was recently on a business trip, and he had neglected to speak with the girl he was dating for nearly 3 weeks. When he found time to check his messages, he discovered 3 frantic messages from her both complimenting him on how exceptional of a man he is and berating him for not paying her any mind. But the kicker was this: she said, “even though you’re behavior is really worrying and upsetting me, it’s also making me like you more, which is making me even more upset.” Even girlfriends want to be kept on their toes and surprised by your actions.

There you have it! abundance mentality right there, the reason why having an abundance mindset is so effective, the thrill never leaves you haven't settle with her, so you're still mysterious in her eyes. This is why you shouldn't take women at their words, majority of women will say they want you to settle with them, but having abundance mentality is the very thing that keeps them ticking for you.

Lessons Learned

1, Be fun! never stop playing the game, remain mysterious and most importantly activate her imagination

2, Women are more likely to cheat the longer they are in a relationship or if you've fully committed to her.

Addendum - the article is a really good read