LTRs suck (don't live with a woman, don't get married) because you need to be on your -A GAME- ALL THE TIME, you never get to rest, and that's fucking draining. Women are energy black holes, any energy you have for productive shit like building your business, studying, inventing something etc will be pissed away if you live with a woman, pissed away on the mediocrity of assuaging the ever manifesting insecurities of the ball of estrogen that is woman. Shit will get petty, shit will get dramatic, and you will waste a whole lot of energy on nonsense you could be doing without.

Women don't realise why LTRs suck for men, and I suspect those that know why from reading this sub still don't give fucks because GET COMMITMENT AT ALL COSTS is a woman's mission in life. They are either ignorant to the male experience or know full well it's a shit deal for men but don't give a fuck because it benefits them.

No matter what you learn about men and women from TRP, women will never care about the male side of things. NEVER. They will always put their needs, THEIR IMPERATIVE - first. Call it solipsism, call it the feminine imperative, call it what you like - I call it reality. If feminism has proved anything it's proven that women will shit all over men if it means they get what they believe they deserve. And let me tell you something - despite the fact most women ARE NOT RELATIONSHIP MATERIAL, these women feel they deserve one and will stop at nothing to get one.

And they don't give a fuck if you don't want to give them a relationship and neither do they give a fuck if they're not worthy. THEY'LL TRY AND FORCE IT, they'll baby trap you or do some other crazy shit TO FORCE THE COMMITMENT. Think of rape for a second. You can't FORCEFULLY TAKE SEX from a woman but women have no problem FORCEFULLY EXTRACTING COMMITMENT from men.

Even an enlightened woman who knows LTRs are emotionally and cognitively taxing on a man and accepts this WON'T CARE, she'll still demand it anyway BECAUSE THIS IS HER MISSION IN LIFE - to get a man to provide for her and protect her. Just because a bitch makes 6 figures and does some martial arts class and got some feminism in her head, doesn't mean she doesn't have the girl instincts to want to rest her head on a man's chest or be held to "FEEL SAFE." Women need this shit like babies need winding, they crave it, dare I say live for it, and thus getting commitment is their life's obsession - it's a fundamental part of who they are.

Women hate bachelors because it reminds them men need women less than women need men. A woman is never happily single no matter what she tells herself or anybody, but plenty of guys out there are happily single rather than caught up in a woman's bullshit. The only reason men put up with women's total buttfuckery is because they wanna get laid, it's not like 99% of women have any redeeming aspects other than their fuckability.

Take away the fact men are horny bastards and what else does a woman bring to the table? Sweet fuck all. They're leeches. This is why when a woman stops putting out she becomes the definition of useless, the one thing she had to do, the one source of value she could provide? Now she can't even be fucked to do that (but don't worry she'll find a way to make it somehow your fault she's not doing her womanly job). All the while you have to keep being THE MAN, which means paying for her shit and enduring her emotional tirades, but them legs? They can close at any time.

A woman is a honey pot, she entices you in with sex so you can be her emotional crutch/ATM/security guard and then should the mood suit her, revises the contract later so she gives you sweet fuck all whilst you keep giving her what she wanted - THIS IS WHY MARRIAGE IS FOR SUCKERS, YOU'RE LITERALLY "LOCKED DOWN", SHE'S LOCKED YOU IN LIKE A LOW MORTGAGE RATE, GREAT FOR HER BUT YOU'RE FUCKED.

Women don't give a fuck that they're the anchors on your speed boat, holding you back, taking your time up with nonsense bullshit and bringing chaos to your life with neurotic emotivity. No, they actually expect you to be their human mood stabiliser "the rock in their storm", a very romanticised way of saying "I'm annoying and crazy as fuck so endure my tirades of bullshit and set me straight". This is what they do and who they are, they are a burden. And rather than pretend women aren't a burden because they're equal (feminism) or that "you're not a real man unless you endure the burden" (traditionalists) TRP tells you outright "women are a burden and only the best ones are worth the hassle". TRPs teaches you to be discriminant with women, rather than "feel lucky you even managed to get one" like the average chump thinks.

They are the needy sex, but they rely on you thinking they're the prize instead of you so they can complete their life's mission: babies and marriage.

You only truly internalise the adage "bitches ain't shit" when you objectively compare how much you bring to the table vs her. When you realise she's not an equal but a dependent, and by nature of being a dependent she is a responsibility (and probably a liability) - your view of women becomes very different. You cast off all illusions of equality and see them for what they are. I leave you with a parting question, no matter how much sentiment one habours for a dependent, are they inferior, equal or superior? The answer is crystal clear for those who can see past sentimentality and politically correct thinking. And such a reality need not be the product of hatred nor disgust or anything else unflattering, but rather, it may simply be what it is - the natural order.

If there's anything you take from this rant of pure misogynistic women hating bile (/s) it should be this: ALWAYS QUESTION A WOMAN'S WORTH, NEVER EVER COMMIT TO THE UNWORTHY. It is not your responsibility to fix broken women, or make unworthy women worthy - if they can't make themselves worthy, then fuck 'em, they're not worth your time. Women aren't doing charity work by fucking the bottom 80% of men, so why the fuck should you be the charity that gives a woman the relationship she doesn't deserve? Exercise extreme prejudice, they do.