What can ye say to Johnny?

Johnny canna stay..

Ye said it would be well and good

If only we would pray

Ye said if we were men enough

Ye said it could be right

Ye said if we chose well this time

Ye said we lacked the sight

Well now the cradle's ashes

And now the whore will rule

Well now ye call us fascist

Ye say unlearned fool..

But now I have the right of it...

And now I hold the steel..

You can beg and plead and cry and bleed

And n'er will it be enough.

Do not look for angels,

you traded them for whores..

Do not look for charity,

tis justice wanted more..

Every flaw a harlot has,

every ill deed of her kind

Is reckoned to her personally,

forever deemed her mind.

Ask not why whores go lacking, old man..

Ask not why harlot-princess cries..

We only hope you watch them starve..

..and suffer 'er you die.