We had this school debate where we discussed about the #metoo movement, the teams were guys vs girls, and believe me I didn't want to participate (you can never win those kind of arguments), but because I am the best orator in my school, the guys made me leader of the team.

Anyway, feminist bullshit, blah blah blah, men are rapists blah blah women are pure blah blah.

The debate was pretty lame until it was the turn of the leaders of each team to conclude, I didn't want to say shit, but I couldn't stay shut (and my grades depended on my conclusion too) so I had to speak up.

I said everything, I talked about how women can manipulate men (and data), how men break their asses to lead society and protect women, how women with power abuse their position to get as many men as possible, how they crave attention, how they will often lie about their sexual life, the false rape accusations, how they cheat, how they crave drama, how they are little girls in a woman's body, basically I destroyed any feminist argument against us. I think I did a pretty good argument because the entire room was silent, almost in awe, every single girl had the 'shit, they found out our bullshit' face, I could smell the tension in the room because I know that there were a lot of attention whores, cheaters, hypergamous, and liars there (fuck, even mi ex gf who cheated on me was there).

We won the debate because of that (to my surprise), I won't bullshit you: it felt pretty damn good (even tho I broke the #1 rule of TRP) but very few girls have talked to me since that day, should I consider that as bad? Also I know girls can be tiny motherfuckers, so should I feel empowered that girls know that I know they're bullshit (and gave my fellow male teammates a red pill 101 lesson)?, or should I be more cautious? Because let's be real: I played with fire and got out alive, but I don't know I could do that again if some girls now want to tear me down, you know all the nasty shit a woman can do to a man nowadays, so:

Tl;dr: am I fucked?

EDIT: I think some people misunderstood what I was concerned about. I don't give a shit if some girl bitchs me about what I said: I know that's a shit test, what I am really concerned of is if my words spread to a feminist biased teacher/professor/any other superior, or even worse: if what I said starts causing me trouble in my personal life.

Someone in the comments said that campuses are not for free speech anymore, and unfortunately, that is scarily true.