Hey Guys, the following text is about my relationship with mother and sister, and how slowly I realized how they manipulated my stepfather and how red pill showed me how dangerous and fucked up they are.

As a normal single mother, my mother would work a lot and barely be at home. At this time, I do still remember when she bought me my first video game and used to take my sister and me to parks and stuff. Not very present, since she worked until late and my grandmother and aunt would take care of me.

My aunt was very aggressive and violent with me, she would beat me for any small reason, and we were very poor. I didn't have a bed of my own, and we were very poor at the time, living 6 or 8 people in 2 bedroom house.

To be honest, I don't have many memories of her with me, just few park trips (like 3 or 4) and the video games, not much more than that.

When I was about 10 or 11 years old, my mother started to date a Japanese man who suppose to be rich at the time. I still remember when he came to visit our family house, and she refused to introduce me because she didn't tell him that she had a male child.

My sister was, and still is, a gorgeous girl with green eyes that drive attention from everyone around, and she was introduced to him at first hand.

I still reminisce locked in one of the bedrooms... at the time it didn't hurt, but today it tells a lot about my mother personality. Eventually, and I don't remember how much long took her to tell him the truth, but I`ve met him after a while.

He was pretty kind to me, and I even have good memories of him. He gave me a lot of good pieces of advice and paid for my scholarship and even bought me a car. Those things I'll never forget and be always very grateful for him and also my mother to make it happen.

So... what is wrong with all that history?

The reason is that he was a married man, and my mother was his mistress. He would pay all our bills, house, food, etc... But he would never sleep at my home or spent much time with us.

As the time went by, he got richer and richer; his business was thriving and my mother was living a dream life.

She had everything she wanted, jewelry, money, big house in one the most expensive neighborhood in my city.

My mother, due to her loneliness, started to be addicted to shopping and spend a lot of money. She always was on debt or buying something useless.

As you might imagine, this life had a day to end, and to be honest, it took much more than I predicted. 5 years ago the Japanese man sold his company for a whooping amount of money, and his company name was even in the news.

At this time, I was never comfortable to live at my mother house, but as soon as I finished my University, I saved enough money to live in Australia for a year and came back to live with some friends.

When my mother was full of cash, I was living in another city and living through my own means. Never asked her for money, but she would offer me a thing or another, I would accept but never asked anything from her of my stepfather, who still was very strange and distant from me, like always.

As you might guess, after the money he got from his business, they started a spending spree. My sis and mother spent so much money that you would cry... Bought luxury car, bigger house, gave money to a failed company of an uncle of mine and bought even a farm.

Two years ago though, the Japanese man left my mother and stopped to give her money. At this time, I was living in Australia and working in a pretty nice job.

She started to asked me for money and I rushed to help her, since she was my mother. Gave her like 1/4 of my salary every month, and it was pretty hard for me, since life in australia was pretty spensive and tough.

As the year came around, she manage to sell the big house that she was living in. She sold this house for peanuts, just to get some money in., cause they (sis and mother) didn't had money even barely eat.

As they sold the house, they started a company and between that time I took a very bad decision to live in Singapore, and the job didn't work out as I imagined (to be honest all fault was mine and I was weak, but this is another history).

As I came back home, I tried to help my mother and sister with their business, but they wouldn't let me. So I took a job in the city and started to live my life again.

Over this last year, I repeatedly talked with my mother about her finance, about if she had enough money for her spences and that I would pay some of the rent for her.

I even lend her some money (something around 60k) which she paid some of the money back, and the other amount I decided to do not ask it back since the first three months, I didn't pay the rent.

Last year I got a job offer to make big bucks (6 digits annual salary) on a new job in another city, and took the chances, moving from a good wage in an extremely comfortable and secure job to adventure myself in small-medium size business with a high-end salary.

For me, all was very good. I was trying to get closer to my sister and was about to find a new place for me to stay close to my new company.

When the bomb got me, my mother on second of Jan told me that she didn't have any money. That she had like $300 in the bank account and she couldn't pay the rent or buy anything else.

Well, guess my reaction. I thought that she had learned to use her money after almost starving a year ago. She used all her money, traveling and living a lifestyle that the Japanese man once gave her.

I was shocked since I was about to leap to a new and better life... so everything started to make sense.

My sister and mother wanted to me to take care of them; they thought I would at least. That I would pay the rent, car, food, etc...

I was my mother backup plan, she never wanted to save money or try to live a normal life.

After this realization, my mother always told me that all she did was for me and my sister... and all lies she said to me over the years started to melt on my mind.

Everything she did was for her... Not for me. My sister and mother were living in spend spree and didn't care at all about me, they never did. In fact, my sister was extremely rude and never treated me with respect.

She always saw me as a stupid guy who wouldn't be anything in life, since she always thought highly of herself and I was a very closed person.

My mother was not that good either, I realized:

  • When I went to travel abroad, she never took me to the airport.
  • For the last five years that I was living by myself, she just reached me for money, never genuinely wanted to know I was. We spoke barely once in one or two months.
  • When I saw the bank statement of the money that I was sending her, she was spending on expensive restaurants and useless stuff; they were not paying the rent or buying food.
  • Remember many times she left alone at home to travel with my stepfather when I was only 13 years old.
  • The many lies she told me about money for the last 5 years.
  • How she was rude when I caught her spending money on bad things and tried to advise her.

My sister just was nice to me, cause I was the only person at home having some money coming and she got even nicer when I told her about the money that I was offered.

Everything fell apart when I told them that I wouldn't pay the rent of the house they were living since it was above the standard that they and I could pay. My sister told that I was selfish and didn't care about mom.

Crazy fact, I don't have a car, and my sister has a luxury car that she doesn't want to sell to support her own or my mother.

Another crazy fact, my sister never manage to keep a job or even finish the university. She is already 27 years old and has never worked more than 9 months in the same company, have had just 2 or 3 jobs in her entire life.

I decided to leave them both, send monthly money to my mother and keep my distance to them. My mother every 2 or 3 weeks message me to ask me some money and pretends that she cares about my life.

They are desperating trying to sue my stepfather ass to get some money from him, and they think they will get rich again, they might, but if they still live the way that they are right now, this money will be gone in less than 2 or 3 years.

I still think if I've done the right thing.

I was able to pay for rent and all the stuff at home, but I just don't think this is correct. My mother would drag me to a hole of debt with her, since she ask me money constantly and her shopping spree have no end.

My sister, told me that I was selfish and told me that I would be alone forever, cause no one ever liked me.

Crazy... how money show the real people.

Both of they have manipuled me and my stepfather all over those years. Playing the victim and spending his money.

All they would say to him was lie and lies.... Asking for money to pay the bills, but got a new expensive dress instead.

All my life I saw they doing this with him, I would'nt bear to let then doing that to me.