How to get more out of life:

  • Build synergy
  • Create options
  • Bake a bigger pie and then cut yourself a slice
  • Put more on the table but be willing to walk away because you have another table



In a moment of levity I was thinking about why a guy named Greene is so Red Pill?

For all the truth he speaks and for all the talk about Nico or getting all “Dark Triad” and such, the guys at the Harvard Negotiation Project have a somewhat softer approach to things.

Getting to Yes was originally published 35 years ago, so while their revelations are not Biblical, they are well-established business know-how. You should read and learn it as such but then consider how that applies to pick up and relationships with women.


Relationships – business or personal – are not zero sum games. Nobody will rationally enter into a relationship unless they are getting more out of it that they are putting into it (and supplicating beta males are not “rational” by this definition). You want a job because it gives you more than you put into it; they want to hire you because they make more money from your work than they pay you. A good woman gives you more than you give her, but she gets more value from you as well. Building value is not a passive process and it is not solipsistic endeavor. Being “high value” or “top 20%” is not simply self-congratulatory but rather a function of what you can do for other people. You do something for them, they do something for you and you both come out better off.

TRP puts a great emphasis on “looking out for number one” but guys can lose sight of the fact that they are not in this alone. Building synergy means 1+1=3. You need that other +1 to get your 3.


The two components of this are to create options within the relationship as well as outside the relationship.

Within the relationship, think about what you can do and what they can do to get that synergy, where your 1 and their +1 gets 3.

Outside of the relationship, have other relationships. Speaking business-wise, one gigantic farce is the idea of the “independent trucker”. This is some sap who spends six figures on a rig and then willingly contracts themselves into slavery to haul shit for a single client. Relationship-wise there is Marriage 2.0, or more generally . . .monogamy. You commit all that you have to someone who commits nothing or can withdraw whatever they said they committed. Both situations are nuts.

The only thing better than abundance mentality is abundance reality. Create options. In general, you can only have one full-time job, but there should be other people courting you.

Personally, I don’t spin plates but rather do the serial monogamy thing. However, as much as we talk about birds and the bush, I keep two as options, for my own sanity and to play out these sorts of dynamics.


All games become zero sum. Bake that pie but understand that you have to cut it up at one point. That is not being cynical, that is being realistic. Once you have all your ducks in a row, once you have lined up things that can create the maximum collective benefit, well you have to take what is yours. This is not doctrinaire negotiation but rather my Red Pill take on it.


TRP is described as a “toolbox” of information and techniques to get what you want out of life. The “sonic screwdriver”, the tool that always does the trick, has a few basic components: the abundance reality; the willingness and creativity to put more on the table; and the balls to walk away.

If you go into a job interview, what is the best thing to have in your back pocket? A kick ass resume to impress them with? A gun to threaten them with? NO! The best thing to have in your back pocket is another job offer!

Same-same in all areas of business, same-same in relationships with women.

No drama, no anger, just play your hand and then next if necessary.


Never underestimate the power of the next. Create options, build synergy, and make a great case as to why you are worthwhile to have in their lives (whether in business or in romance), but don’t confine yourself to just one person or organization. Create external options so you always have the ability to walk away.

That is true power.