Link to op:

Summary: The title says it all (and it's not even my title, it's the actual title from OP).

Body: Woman gives back her ring after man gets a brain-injury. Marries some BetaBucks instead but get her tingles back when she meets her ex-fiancé in full health.

Note that part of the reason might be found in between the rows:

Two months ago it was a party at an old friend's place. Most of our friends from high school were invited and I met Rose there for the first time since we broke up. We ended up talking for a few hours, catching up, asking about our families, etc. she was feeling guilty for leaving me but I reassured her that there are no hard feelings and I wished her a happy life with her husband and family. I treated that as a closure and thought that now she can fully move on.

He met her in an "Highschool" setting (when they used to be an item) and he held frame to the highest possible degree (forgave her and wished her the best for her and her family).

He is also smart enough to realise the whole "Being friends" smells fishy:

After that night she's still trying to meet, make contact. I'm still declining. I don't want to play with someone else's life and marriage. She has a child with her husband and she's playing with fire here.

Well, we can only speculate why she would risk her marriage and family over a "platonic friendship".

Lessons learnt:

  • Women dont like weakness
  • They do however like frames being held
  • When life gives you a brain-injury, dont blame life, you girl or anyone else, get your life back on track for you and not for a woman.