Summary: There are 3.5 billion women on this planet, understand the amount of freedom you have by not overinvesting yourself into a woman who is just not worth it. The main aspect of Red Pill independence is abundance mentality and knowing you can walk away at any time and find someone better.

One of my favorite things to say on Red Pill subs is "There are 3.5 billion women on this planet".

3.5 billion. That's a lot.

For the sake of my argument lets only count women who are between the ages of 18 and 25. That leaves us around 500 million women.

There are 500 million women on this planet who are in their prime - haven't hit the wall full on yet.

If you did a speed dating session with these 500 million women of 30 seconds each, it would take you 475.32 years to go through them all if you did it non stop.

In other words, there are a lot of women on this planet.

So why put up with shit from a single woman or over-invest into her when you have 499,999,999 other 18-25 year olds to choose from on this earth?

This is the heart of abundance mentality. The heart of abundance mentality isn't spinning a bunch of plates, or having a lot of women in your life. That is an outcome of practicing abundance mentality. The heart of abundance mentality is understanding that no single woman is special - and she is easily replacable. That there is no need to lower or compromise your standards, your values, your dignity, your self-respect, or yourself for any woman. It doesn't matter how hot a woman is or how good she makes you feel - if she is doing something you don't like, that the law of averages says in the pool of the other 499,999,999 18-25 year old women, there is one who is just as hot if not hotter who won't do that thing you don't like.

I was at a waterpark last weekend. Observing all the women there, when they are stripped down to bikinis and minimal makeup, simply how most women aren't worth it. There was a 4/10 woman infront of me in line for a slide who could be decent if she lost weight and didn't have so many tattoos, and I realized that there is probably some dude posting to AskTRP hamstering away about his oneitis for a woman who wasn't even as hot as this woman standing infront of me. Why put yourself through so much shit just for some woman who isn't worth it, when there are 499,999,999 others to choose from? When you are posting about an HB8 on a Red Pill sub, is she really an HB8 or is she actually a 4 or 5 that you are just saying she is an 8 to hamster feeling better about how shitty of an option you are resorting to?

I got into a disagreement with a guy on AskTRP last week. He was really sensitive on the subject of red flags. He was angry that I said a girl who is a feminist, or has short rainbow colored dyed hair, or a lot of tattoos, or abnormal piercings, or is bisexual(or anything other than hetereo), or gets black out drunk when she drinks, or grew up without a father in the household are red flags that should disqualify a woman from an LTR.

He couldn't understand it. He kept saying that these things shouldn't disqualify a woman from an LTR. That they are not dealbreakers.

His problem was that he wasn't understanding the overall concept of abundance mentality.

It's not the fact that the woman having rainbow dyed short hair or is a bisexual makes her a bad person in and of itself. That's not the point.

The point is that in a planet with 500,000,000 women aged 18-25, surely you can find a woman who is just as worthy, who doesn't have the rainbow colored dyed hair.

3.5 billion means you can find one who isn't a bisexual.

3.5 billion means you can find one who had a father in her household growing up.

3.5 billion means you can find one who doesn't get drunk when she drinks.

THAT is what abundance mentality is about. THAT is what the number 3.5 billion is about. There are enough women out there to where you don't have to settle or compromise for one who has red flags that can bite you in the ass down the line.

3.5 billion means you can find a woman who meets your standards/criteria without having to compromise anything. If you are working on yourself, lifting, maxing out your SMV, why should you settle for anything less? YOU are the prize.

Same goes with your LTR not respecting you or crossing boundaries. A woman going on an overseas trip without you for 2 months doesn't necessarily make her a bad person, she may very well go and not have sex with Chads while she is there and be faithful. You should next her or demote to plate anyway because in a planet with 499,999,999 other women 18-25, surely you can find one who would respect you enough not to go on such a risky trip filled with temptation without you.

Same goes with an LTR who is a social media validation whore. 3.5 billion comes into play. Find one who isn't addicted to social media validation.

3.5 billion is why you should never return to exes, your past failures, or women who rejected you in the past. 3.5 billion women on this planet and yet you zero in on one who has already failed yet?

Starting to get the picture?

No one woman is special. No one woman is worth taking shit from or overinvesting into. Have some self respect and raise your standards and values when it comes to women.

Lessons Learned:

  • There isn't a single woman out there that is special.

  • There are 3.5 billion women on this planet and 500 million women aged 18-25. There is no reason why you should put up with one who doesn't meet your standards. Find one who can.

  • Have some self respect. Abundance Mentality is realizing you are the prize, and if you are doing everything right, lifting, maxing out your SMV, you should not settle for anything less than what you deserve. If you truly are the prize, why accept or put up with less from a woman? If you feel like you deserve an HB8, why settle for an HB6? Are you that thirsty? Pedestalize pussy much?

  • Red flags don't necessarily make the woman a bad person or unworthy, they just mean that in a planet of 3.5 billion women, surely you can find one who is just as hot who doesn't have the red flag(s) and the risks that come with them.

  • Understand the power you have with the option of nexting. It is the most powerful tool in a man's arsenal.