Game, Frame, being Social, and having relationships are all essential for a successful lifestyle. And they all share one fundamental concept: understanding people.

Now, to the average reader, they may think this is such an absurd concept because you are a person and it ought to be "common sense" how to treat others and people have feelings and-




I have discovered many personal tricks and methods to act more natural around people.

A sociopath is not 'evil' like everyone likes to associate with. It is a level of awareness of behaviorisms. Most psychologists will tell you that sociopathy is a nurture environment byproduct brought on by abuse.

Do you know you are a sociopath? Chances are you have no fucking idea and you DO know you have a hard time having any sense of belonging to people. You have found maybe a handful of people you relate to in your entire lifetime and they are so vastly different from you, that they don't matter in your life. When people were cruel to you, you might have been cruel back. Only to be met with a harder backlash because you were unconventionally cruel. That is because the average person does things out of emotion; selfish and impulsive; not nearly as calculated as the sociopath does. The sociopath is sinister in this context.

The rage the sociopath feels stems from a misunderstanding of people. And in fact no person truly knows how people really work better than a sociopath. In this respect, all people including men act like women. They do not know what it is that they know. A refugee from Natural Law, yet bound to nature, a sociopath's humanity has been robbed from him at early ages. You can never hope to relate to others. You can never hope to possibly reclaim your humanity. You are an emotional void, a cold black hole that only few detect, until the day you die.

Edit: You can create and give out emotions as healthier sociopaths can do. For the most part, the healthier side of this spectrum is relatively unheard of as most of the person's young life is without answers.

Let's begin! :)

When I said people do not know what it is that they know, I lied. Fundamentally people know quite well what it is that makes people behave the way they do and feel the way they feel. What's hidden deeper is that people cannot fathom what psychology is at play. Normal people don't have the burden of seeking to understand why people feel the way they do. Normal people accept it and relate to it at an elementary level. You will be playing Perpetual Pavlov's Dog with everyone forever so it's important to understand how people come and go in your life.


Having a relationship with a person requires leg work from both parties. The amount of legwork shared between you and the other person can vary and be unequal. What truly matters is whether or not you are getting an equal or higher ROI (Return of Investment). Unlike most forms of investment, people-investment depreciate. Your ROI with one individual will drop at varying rates since the start of the relationship.

Men are the fairer sex that will acknowledge your history of integrity aka Trust of Character. You continue to have good relationships with a man and the ROI between you and him will rise or float. You can never count on a woman's ROI to be beneficial. They are always a bad investment.

In the end all relationships drop eventually and is best to completely move on with the exception of most professional relationships which is why networking is important.

Relationships Are Like Campfires

People themselves are useless just like a car without a driver. Relationships with people is fruitful and there's a little game to it. The game is to maximize the benefits of a relationship while decreasing your work load. Using the leg work analogy, we can paint a new picture using campfires.

A relationship is like a campfire- but the fire is dying quickly! It takes effort from you and the other person to keep the fire burning so you can both stay warm. It's your job to make sure the other person is paying their dues to the fire (ROI). If effort decreases too much, the fire is out and it is difficult to start a fire with the same logs as before. The best relationship would be where one person is doing all the work (gullible gump) while the other does hardly anything but encourage the behavior.

A woman doesn't know how to start a fucking fire. It's your fucking job. Her job is to help keep the fire burning. That much she can do. When the fire is out, women will not show any effort to help restart the fire. They are cold and they want to stay warm. They see Chad has a nice fire burning and leaves you for the warmth.

When Time Passes

It's easy for a sociopath to fall into a rut of nostalgia. He remembers based on remembering alone, not based on feelings. When he sees an old acquaintance, he doesn't have the capacity to know how he feels about him, the sociopath remembers their history and may fall to the error of relating to them as they once were. The book, Mediations, has helped in this area. It says, and I'm paraphrasing:

  • 1 week or a month, what's the difference?
  • 1 month or a year, what's the difference?
  • 1 year or 5, what's the difference?
  • 5 years or a lifetime, what's the difference?

Start using this model to decide the level of investment (acting, reflection later, energy) your interaction deserves.

Allowing People To Present Themselves

This has changed my social game complete 180. I know plenty of ways to start a conversation, keep them going, and so on but I was always stumbling over them. I realized I was simply impatient and took a new approach: Let there be silence. Let them stumble over themselves first. Purposefully wait a few seconds after someone replies to your opener before answering. Not only does it trip some people up (a great position to be in) it also gives you time to think of a more meaningful reply.

Feign Weakness & Brand It

Against the doctrine of the red pill and the group-think that follows suit, it's important to selectively feign weakness. There are two types of scenarios to feign weakness:

1- To Pretend To Feel what the group feels 2- To Play on someone's Empathy Achilles Heel

Don't overdo it. Brand your feeling. "[Topic] makes me so [feeling] because [brand]". Now you have a character property others will associate with your Trust of Character.

People Really Are Simpletons

Most of the time you're not dealing with a duplicitous individual like yourself and they really are giving you everything you need to know about them. Do not forget that emotions to you are not emotions to others. People will an act on them 99% of the time. In fact, once you start realizing what emotion is driving someone's intentions, you begin to see people's agendas more clearly. Do not try to understand or relate.

Accept the Enemy do not Think for the Enemy.

Lessons Learned:

  • People are that simple
  • You will never be understood, stop trying, stop explaining yourself
  • Pretending still works on people
  • Remember time passing for you is much slower than time passing for others
  • People are depreciating investments (akin to plate spinning)
  • Social fabric can be peeled back and re-purposed just like anything else