Ok this is especially for all the beginners.

Im far from being unattractive or an incel, i have been with many women. I went my own way without knowing about this. The RP truths just confirmed what i literally experienced my whole life. Women just try to show their best side until their hypergamy kicks in.

Age 20-30

GF#1 Ended the relation when i got chronically sick and used it as a reason against me, zero compassion or empathy, monkey branches crazy after the relation ends, even trys to monkey branch and fuck some of my close friends after the end, one BP mangina fucked her (i found later and confronted him) of course pretending its all my fault, calls me drunk to "initiate" contact again after i broke it off and i didnt talk to her anymore. It was my first real love and when it became obvious that she was "unhappy" i started to see the cracks and had my first AWALT experience.

GF#2 Was kind of legit, came from a very small town with a lot of religious crap that pissed me off but she was at least honest. She however got some beta provider that didnt even get sex in the name of religion with her - funny she was horny as hell when she was with me. Just shows you women just invest whatever is needed to get a provider.

GF#3 Bad. Extreme hypergamy, she wouldnt accept i want to find out what causes my health problems just was pushing me hard to get whatever job, same as with GF#1 once i broke up with her because i suspected she was cheating. Tryed hard to be a "loving NAWALT UNICORN" and complimented me for everything that i did. I was a mangina for keeping her around, i just loved the sex and she was extremly good looking. Now she hit the wall like no one else that i know. Drugs and shitty lifestyle are to blame. At the end of that LTR i found the cause but western medicine didnt help. Tryed to talk bad about me but failed because everyone knew at this point how bad she was. She monkey branched all types of guys and rode the carousel crazy. I think she fucked like 100 dudes after that... A close "friend" who was very BP (got through the same crap later) tryed to "catch her" and she manipulated him and used him as a doormat. She later got a beta type of guy and destroyed him. Of course he didnt know any better and is now married to some wannabe NAWALT. Bluepillers never learn.

GF#4 Behaved like a NAWALT but was in fact a recovering BPD personality which i didnt see because she did a lot for me and was nice to me all the time also the sex was outstanding. So 6 years she was an "angel" if you will. Its just women showing their best side to keep the man. She loved it when other women flirted with me. Her sister was a crazy cheating whore so that slowly woke me up. I started to put all the parts together and was aware that women are cheating whores. She was monkey branching behind the scenes and a cheater in the last year. When i confronted her she said "She didnt think that was going to influence us". I raged hard and confrontd her. Couldnt believe it. Clearly she was playing all of it very well. She too hit the wall hard.

At the end she rationalized everything like GF#1 and blamed my health and "attention" - i can say i held frame like a boss here and it does not protect you one inch from all the BS women try to pull off. She tryed to steal stuff as we lived in a shared flat and played it against me when we broke up. Never move in with women. Lucky enough i catched her and she was telling me she just wanted to "borrow it"... yeah sure. Her reputation was destroyed because everyone knew it. She was telling me shes going to make "another great project" as we aere in arts a couple of years and a good team. Of course nothing of that happend that was just the feminist crap that she sucked. I continued and she didnt. She had a new guy 3 days later, total BP mangina she ruled the relation from day 1 because she cant be alone. She only contacted me again if she "wanted" something from me... Terrible person and utterly selfish. Her whole "niceness" changed from one day to another just like in the marriage stories here. Im glad that i never had kids with her it would have been hell.

After that i was pretty much done with relations. I had to recover from all the emotional damage in my 20s and decided no relations anymore. I slept with a shitton of women i dont even remember their names. I played it well as i knew how they were ticking. Its all personality and "game" if you will but also a strong masculine core. I was broke so the pussy was needed to heal the pain, at least i was thinking that. I didnt have a mentor or anything like that. Of course the PUAs wont tell you that in the end you will always get monkey branched or cheated on.

One woman tryed to get me into an LTR with her and i denied it, she broke off all contact and talked bad about me just because i explained her that i dont want a relation at this point, never saw her again - pretended to be an unicorn and a "super nice person" but at that time i knew how women were operating. I saw itall coming and it was easy. I talked to her ex and she basically tryed to monkey branch another guy just like all women do. She later trashed them both.

Small extension here: If youre an interesting personality (fuck that blabla alpha bs) women will try to fuck you when they are in hypergamy mode. If they dont get enough validation from their guys the clock is ticking but of course its totally random and it just kicks in. It also happens to the "alphas" so dont believe that hold frame and win BS.

They just need to see you have the opportunity to get other women and thats it. They play it all very save and will later use sexual hooks to get you horny. They will make it look like you are the cause of this when its the other way around.

Another woman who behaved like a special NAWALT unicorn was basically trying hard to impress me with "being good" - she did this until she found some dude with money when she had a new job, monky branching, i broke off contact instantly, sex was good tho

I know tons of guys who went through the exact same crap. Always the same patterns.

After that i was pretty much a MGTOW without knowing it. I had some ONS here and there but even that became more and more boring and not that often. The ironic thing is as you are MGTOW women find that attractive because you ignore their BS and as you dont give a shit they wanna find out more about you. If you wanna do that just pump n dump.

Now the past 6 months 2 women of friends tryed the same shit on me as all the GFs. They tryed to fuck me and even told me "they are unhappy in their relations and want to end it" and basically were creating situations to have sex and monkey branch me. One girl invited me for a "cooking session with 4 ppl" and ooops her BF and the others are not there and she had the booze ready and some sexy stuff on and makeup. LOL. Pathetic. I talked beta shit on purpose and you should have seen how confused she was. It was fun as hell. I was talking about the one and true love when she wanted to talk about "hot sex".

I hope this helps you to see that all women are like that. All women will try to cheat and monkey branch for whatever damn reason it doesnt matter its in their nature and feminism just makes it worse because "dey deeesuuuuuuurv"

So you have a shit ton of women but basically they are all the same instead of the religious girl who is probably brainwashed from that. AWALT. Just motherfucking AWALT.

I have to say this nature of women disgusts me and i even see it with my sister.