Some of the people here seem to be under the impression that you are either "alpha" or "beta". These same people say that you apply TRP to your life to the point that you "become chad", and suddenly, after this turning point, you have all the answers in life and are "alpha". So much so that there was a post a while back talking about what makes someone a Real Alpha™, and one of the criteria was the fact that you no longer have to post in askTRP.

As you move further along the spectrum, both in color and how big of a sperg you're dealing with, you get these guys who jerk themselves off over the fact that they are so special because they can classify themselves beyond the normal Red/Blue Pill model. "Oh no, I'm a sigma male", they proudly proclaim, as they hamster away their inability to socialize like a normal fucking person.

The problem is that, to these people, life is like a video game. You collect enough power ups, you level up and you get the girl. You start off with some randomized stats, like personality, looks, height - but then you get to customize your build, like whether you're red, yellow, blue, purple, black, silver - as if anyone cares. No joke, these are all colors that I have seen in askTRP.

I could throw up a domain right now, hire a few people who know how to write really well and come up with something called "The Green Pill" and essentially describe someone with the physical build and personality traits of Kermit the Frog; then I can link to it all over the manosphere, and in six months from now guys in askTRP will be identifying as green pill because it's the latest fad.

And yes, I use the word identifying because it isn't too far off from all the mentally ill who will identify as literally anything so long as it is more radical and garners more attention than the next person.

You see unnecessary complication in fitness as well. Guys who are new to fitness love making things as complicated as possible, both in lifting and in diet. It's no wonder that 90% of them burn out in the first three months, when all they should have been doing is basic compound lifts that take less than an hour, three times a week, and not putting shit in their mouth. That's it. There's no need to classify yourself as an endomorph, a mesomorph, an octomorph, an animorph - lift heavy weights and eat healthy.

You aren't special. You aren't different from anyone else. And there's no such thing as a Real Alpha™ because people are much more complicated than idealized models, as much as your Psych 101 professor tries to convince you otherwise, so stop trying to classify yourself.