I just got done reading another whiny comment on AskTRP from a bald guy on how he can't even get laid by a 1/10 because he's bald, and decided to write this thread instead of raging at him in a comment reply.

Note: this is aimed at guys who have already gone bald past the point of no return. If you think you're going bald and want to combat it, read /u/tripthree's post Bald Guys: Your Hairline and Your SMV.

My Story

I am in my late 20s and have been going bald since age 15. By age 20 I was a Norwood 4A when I finally made the decision to shave it off.


  • I have two 7/10 plates that I fuck silly on a regular basis.
  • I've had women open me on Tinder saying they love bald men.
  • I've had sex with 15 different women this year.

How do I do it?

It's Not Your Hair, It's Your Insecurity

Let's get this out of the way. Yes, being bald is perceived as less attractive by women. Life isn't fair. Some people are bald, some people are short, some people are introverts. Nearly everyone has one trait that makes them less attractive to women.

You know what the least attractive thing is to women, though? Insecurity. Women have a very high level of emotional intelligence and are extremely perceptive. If you're insecure about being bald, it's shining through to women, whether you notice or not.

The best way to combat insecurity is to ignore your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths. Let's talk about how to do that.

Baldness and Dominance

UPenn professor Albert E. Mannes carried out three studies in 2012 where participants both viewed photos and read descriptions of men with hair and men with shaved heads.

Men with shaved heads were perceived as more dominant, more confident, and more masculine.

It's not hard to see why this is the case: making the choice to shave your head indicates a "don't give a fuck" mentality. As professor Mannes muses in the study's background section, "men who shave their heads violate a social norm that prizes hair". By effectively giving up that which society holds most dear, people view you as rebellious, confident, and powerful.

Establishing a Dominant, Masculine, and Powerful Image

Like it or not, we base attractiveness off of stereotypes. You are bald, so women already assume you're masculine, but if you don't display other masculine traits, they will be confused and you won't create attraction.

Playing into people's pre-existing sterotypes by establishing a masculine frame is key to creating attraction as a bald man.


Yes, you've read it before, but it applies triply so if you are bald. You don't just need to lift, you need to get huge.

Who do you think women find more attractive, this guy or this guy?

Grow a Beard

Men with beards are perceived more masculine than men without. Also, beards look great on bald men. Just ask Common.

If you can't grow a decent beard, keep it clean-shaven. No one likes a patchy beard. I can't grow a beard to save my life, so I keep it shaved.


There are styles that work for bald guys and styles that don't. While, in general, the TRP advice of "dress well" works, fashion advice is a bit different for bald men.

In my experience, you want to combine dressing well with a few touches of "bad boy" added in. This means that dressing like you just got off a sailboat at Cape Cod isn't ideal. You want to integrate things like bomber jackets, Wayfarer sunglasses, leather, and shirts that show off some skin, as well as accessorize: earrings, tattoos, chains, and watches.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here's some ideas:


This may be the most important one of all. You may be swagged to the teeth, jacked, and have a great beard, but if you act like a beta, women will see through your image immediately.

You need to back up your appearance with a strong, masculine, dominant frame. This means:

  • Alpha text game. My go to line recently to a second date has been telling them to "Wear something sexy". Hasn't backfired on me yet. Read Heartiste and apply it.
  • Dominating girls in the bedroom. I slap my plates on the ass, grab their hips, and whisper in their ears about how hard I'm going to fuck them. Read The Sex God Method if you want to learn more.
  • Talking slowly, with a low, authoritative, voice. There are plenty of resources here on TRP, simply search the subreddit for "voice".
  • Practice amused mastery. If you're smiling, it's at her.
  • Defuse shit tests like a boss. You may find that people will shit test you about your hair. Anecdotally, this hasn't happened to me in forever since I developed more confidence, but used to happen right about the time I started shaving it. At that time, I used a couple canned lines to defuse and make people laugh:
    • God only made so many perfect heads. He had to cover the uglier ones with hair.
    • Yeah, but on the flip side, I save tons of money on shampoo.


The key to success as a bald man is capitalizing on the masculine, powerful image that bald men are associated with. Change your style, be successful, fuck women. It works.

Just ask Nick Krauser, who at 40 years old and bald, regularly fucks 18 and 19 year old Eastern European girls, despite having a bit of a belly and a gaudy sense of style.