After watching to a video by CS MGTOW, wherein Traversable MGTOW gets slammed for making false accusations of pedophilia against other MGTOW, a couple of things really jumped out and I have to comment on them.

Traversable seems to think [sic] that it is important for MGTOW to maintain some sort of squeaky clean image (by his definition of clean).

  • Why? MGTOW is not MRA, we don't need to be popular or electable. MGTOW is an individual survival strategy. There is no we.
  • Traversable attacks manga, saying it's not for grownups and it's not manly. Basically, feminist shaming language. Why? I don't care for manga, but idgaf if someone does. Traversable is trying to play identity politics with MGTOW, and is worried about what (and who) is suitable for inclusion in that identity. Fuck off, mate. Someone wants dragonball Z on their facebook, so be it. We don't need Anita Sarkeesian regulating our games, we don't need Traversable regulating facebook and twitter. Those companies already do enough to suppress non-regressive, non-SJW content as it is.
  • Traversable makes weak accusations and doesn't back them up. There is a lot of guilt by association. Really? Vilifying people for talking to the wrong crowd? Pro tip - anyone doing that IS the wrong crowd.
  • Traversable apparently thinks [sic] he is the self appointed purity police of MGTOW. I demur.
  • The standards of what Traversable deems acceptable would be quite in accordance with the tastes of the blue rinse crowd. As far as I know, however, these are matters for each man to decide as long as they stay with in the bounds of the law. Be as quirky as you want. Be as tasteful or tasteless as you wish. MGTOW is about freedom; if I want public morality police, I will move to Saudi.
  • It isn't the place of MGTOW to define what is manly or demand that any male in fact be, manly. I guess they may be in to that in the PUA circles or tradcon circles, or even possibly in some corners of MRA. Not for MGTOW though. The masculinity of another MGTOW (or lack thereof, or the definition of) is not your circus, not your monkey. Pro tip though: if you are going to be concerned how masculine people are, start with your own self. In that regard, don't go for dishonorable false accusations, guilt by association, and catty behavior; don't focus on appearances and how acceptable our identity is. All of that is more common in the distaff part of the species ...


Any obsession with "how we look" as a collective identity ... will always lead to this sort of thing. This is actually quite feminine, this focus on social proof and social approval. As men, we should anchor ourselves in courage, strength, honor and competence. That is the way of men. A fondness for Manga doesn't enter in to that, one way or the other. PG images of mild BDSM don't enter in to that, one way or the other. Dishonest accusations certainly don't enter in to that.

Crawl back under your rock, anyone who makes demands on MGTOW tastes and anyone who is focused on our collective image.