There a common misconception here that one can simply start thinking and behaving Redpill and and all of their beta problems will disappear.

Unfortunately this isnt the case there are a bunch of lifestyle factors that will wear you down and cause you to Blue Pill. For me the main difference between Blue and Red Pill is that Blue Pill reacts to situations where as Red Pill creates situations.

Poor Diet/Lack of Sleep: When a person eats shitty or doesn't get enough sleep they become tired and lethargic. Tired people don't have the will to stand up for themselves so they will avoid conflict by complying with demands. Tired people will sometimes lash out but its all bark because they lack the resolve to do anything about it.

Hormone Problems: Unfortunately your behavior is heavily influenced by your hormones. Women on birth control behave differently. Post menopausal women behave differently. Old men behave differently.If you are older talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy. With a hormone profile of a twenty year old you will feel like a twenty year old.

Poor Fitness: You know how how animals in zoos pace back and forth in their cages? That's how animals display anxiety. You need physical activity to stay mentally healthy. The pacing wolf is definitely not the Alpha wolf.

High stress/Severe Pain: You can't forge your own path if your thoughts are clouded by physical and emotional pain.

Drug/ Alcohol Addiction: Addiction is pretty hard to define. However, the line is generally drawn at compulsive drug seeking behavior. Recreational drug use can also be a concern, sedatives like weed can make you more compliant, heavy stimulants can make you more compulsive and therefore predictable which ultimately makes you easier to control. I know there is going to be a backlash on this one. I do drugs and I still can do X. Im sure you do bro, but is it a problem and would you perform better without it? Only you can answer that question.