Think about this for a second. Let's just play devil's advocate as we so rarely do here (HA).

Imagine for a second if you couldn't get said no to for sex, that porn was some kind of amalgamation of real life options and porn like interest in your penis.

Would you do this? Would you not? Why?

Take this comment for example:

"You're right, it is disgusting. I really hate myself and it's probably going to kill me. I'm terrified. Being sexually liberated is one thing, but using people to get a fix one after the other is completely different. It's crazy, I'm not stupid, I know why I should use protection. Sex doesn't work for me when I use it. Hell, orgasms don't even mean that much to me anymore."

Now the top response:

"If you hate yourself for it, then go get help. You can always change. I'm not trying to sound harsh, and I apologize if I offended you. Those are just my beliefs that reddit attitude in general is something I don't agree with. But if you really want to get help then go get help, and change and be happy. You can do it."

If the OP was a dude talking about heroin addiction would this still be a reasonable answer? Obviously the poster is a beta. But that's not the point. The point there being that instead of being sent to submitted to some kind of forced service to society she's getting a virtual pity party. How many of us have fucked girls like this and don't know it?

How rare do you guys think this girl is?

How many field reports did those fucks generate?

It just makes me wonder.

There has to be other factors at play, if you reverse the roles if a guy has infinite power does he become generous with it? History has said no, they become tyrants protective of the phylactries that give them their immortality through visage.

It reminds me of this video (very NSFW):

Basically this chick does a very good reenactment of what OP is saying she did.

I am just very glad that isn't my life but it does make me wonder if that is the version of MAD we see coming from this current american metagame.

edit: No clue why the main link redirects to this post. Here is the link to the post I am referring to: