This is a translation from a German website and is really interesting. A father tells us his story, how he wanted daughters and how they grow up to be women AWALT.

I tried to reasonably translate this, however if anything is unclear please tell me.

Back when I hadn't had children and no serious relationship, I did not care about becoming a father. Most men didn't made up their minds back then. Becoming a father that time meant to me: It's nice, interesting, an exciting way of life with many positive sides. Never becoming a father meant to me: It's nice, interesting, an exciting way of life with many positive sides. In short, not every way is identical, but every way could give you enlightenment and happiness or the opposite. I however had no clue about alimony cheques, so let's not mention it for now. In this matter I'm anyways on equal terms with most man, who start to think about these things when it is too late and they already hit rock bottom. Before that you just think with your two producers of hormones which are hanging between your legs. If it were possible to shut it down for a while, let it just hang instead of controlling you, rationality would rise in the whole country.

However, if I were to become a father I wished, naively, for daughters. Why? Because I grew up with just brothers and I wanted to explore this unknown Girls-World. We were a sole boys family, you see? That is probably why I had more siblings then the average family, because my parents wanted a girl as well, so they tried more often. It didn't happen. My father sometimes is sad about this, however my mother isn't. Today I understand her point. In her dialect she said she was happy not having a couple of "nixigen Feela", but boys. [The term "nixigen Feela" can be roughly translated as "annoying, nagging girls"]. My brothers are today in the same situation. They all became fathers. What did they get? Boys. Boys, Boys, Boys, Boys. Even my cousins - obviously boys, just one girl - just got boys. The last generation with many girls was with one of my grandmothers. Half of her 15 siblings were girls. With a family that large it didn't matter anyways. The stress was probably huge, her father from Wädenswil died of a stroke early in his middle years.

Yet I got delivered what I wished for. Girls, Girls, Girls. Many cute daughters, golden Angels, favorites of family and friends. And they were both a punishment and a healing from my wish to become father of daughters. Ok, there is one boy among them, but he has a hard time with a lot of sisters around him. He's fighting the oestrogen that surrounds him, but he's fighting a battle he already lost. But he is hansom. There are already friends of his sisters visiting us on purpose of looking at him, but he can't understand that yet. He is a late bloomer, like me.

As time went by, I swallowed enough red pills to get all the illusions about my daughters out of my system. The first realization: Sadly, they all become women in due time and they all inevitably will act the way Free Man are tired of. Different upbringing? Of course I tried! And I learned: It's another illusion.

This doesn't mean I don't love my daughters nor that there is no fun involved after conception. Of course there is fun and there are funny moments. It is also interesting to watch your own children and observe how they become women. They all become women, despite everything you try with their upbringing. No trick will work, it comes with the force of nature and you are absolutely helpless against that.

Things that are totally new for me, because of my upbringing in a total boys household: The absolute bitchiness little and big girls set up. What the bitch doesn't want now, she won't do, and she bitches and nags and comes up with with the most horrendous and stupidest excuses, all while trying to take us for fools. Just doing something, finishing it, taking it of the list, goal archived - with girls this is impossible. They bitch, they try to play you and after that they try shit-tests on you, trying to determine if you still like her. Obviously a training for later. Boys on the other hand may fail, may fail hard, but they take this as a lesson and with a lot less drama, but they try to work around their failures instead of just sitting there and complain to the whole world how unfair everything is [against them].

Very early girls start focusing on their own body's, self-affirmation and comparisons. Whereas boys start complaining when they have to do chores so they can get back to their toys. My youngest daughter goes with feminine elegance and a dreamy look for hours and hours through fashion shops, tries out everything, and wants the opinion of everyone around her how it looks on her. Her favorite magazine is "Top Model". She knows which colors are fitting each other, she designs dresses and accessories, draws fashion for girls, she asks about cosmetics despite not being old enough for this. She can dress herself very elegantly, she knows what fits her and what people like. This is really fascinating, because it comes out of her, because her father and mother are not into this. We use hard soap and water instead of the products of the chemical factories. Moreover there are no media role models as we do not own a TV and we only allow our children Smartphones when they get into High School - and in the beginning we monitor their use strictly. Still, currently she is experimenting with nail polish. If you watch her closely, she'll get nervous and thinks something is wrong with her. She directly makes it about herself, her body. Yet, this overlaps with the nice and cute moments you have with your daughters. Her father is the first man for her, so even at a young age they try out all the tricks on you and sharpen those on you. My youngest here has a masters degree, while one of the olders tries to get her mother to her side so she can use her to go past me with her irrational desires. Still, what her father does and says is very important and she monitors me with alarming accuracy and tries to use what she observed for her purpose. Playing this game she gets confidence and confirmation. This is one of the levels I can actually influence her upbringing. This isn't the case with my child - a daughter of course - from my divorce and I immediately notice the difference between her and the daughters I helped bring up. Children learn from the interaction between the parents, but obviously they won't learn these things if one parent is permanently away. This void is then not filled with another role model, but with insecuritys and errors, both which will accompany them their whole lives. Raising children without parents, or with one parent away, is possible, but it will always be emotionally difficult. Having a father and a mother raise you is the normal biologie programm, everything else is just an emergency programm.

They celebrate being girls especially in the bathroom. The times when the father washed himself, brushed his teeth, with his trousers down while taking a dump inside five minutes are over. No, today it's fighting. The bathroom is locked permanently in the morning and in the evening. The girls fight for their holy space, doors are getting slammed, angry knocking, insults and screaming are flying through the house. You get the idea. My record holder doesn't use the bathroom for under 30 minutes each evening. She is old enough for extensive body care and does it excessively. The water consumption is rising, they are showering often and take their time. In the mornings I at first have to open a window, because the ladys currently test the effectiveness of parfum. Cough.

Also, not only in my house, but the reaction of the surroundings were a surprise to me. Just like that we were in the middle of society, which is completely centered on girls. This was the first time I noticed this intensively. Student exchange? Girls welcome, boys on the other not so. Assistance at school? A women's club surprisingly assists nearly exclusively girls. Girl's day, curriculum, teachers? Everywhere only women. Camping during holiday's? Boy's camps are not happening because of a lack of participants, for the girls however there are two dates. My big girl is allowed to go out on her own. She gets picked up and invited a lot, everything gets set up for her. The boys? No one cares. Being eyed always suspiciously, controlled viciously, they have no value in the society yet. They just get noticed when they either clown around or getting criminal, which is were our society currently places them. Girls are decorated newcomers, near their prime, and are being protected and benefited on all levels. They have huge birthday partys, are constantly socializing, comparing, many female friends, and so on. As a father of girls I'm constantly talking to other parents of daughters, as a father of a boy I'm more in contact with the schools social worker.

I have to carefully watch not to compare my girls childhood with my own. When I was as old as my oldest daughter, I programmed and sold software, developed and build my own surveillance bugs, did win a rifle shooting contest, learned useful things of chemics which led to the explosion of a garden house, but also I build a functioning rocket, had an A grade in math, but was lousy in Latin, worked as a construction worker, did many things on my own, started traveling and so on. Girls just don't do that. They do what their girlfriends do or what the currently famous Instagram-Model does. They run around in the big hen-herd and their motivation is to be sitting on top of the others, it doesn't matter how. Preferably by bitching and picking.

What can you do in this situation? Close your eyes and get it over with?

Learning basic skills of life, learning, learning, learning. That's very unusual with girls. They get so much help, they can survive without those skills for a very long time. Some idiot is always there helping the poor girl. These "Männerdeppen" ["stupid man", but I like the German word here], the white knights, bring out the worst of female behavior and it continues to grow like cancer through the whole bitch. That is why I give them tasks they have to solve on their own - with bribery or outright blackmail as motivation. It's not easy, but it has to be done. However it's often shocking what they can't do. They do not want to learn on their own. They rather want to learn how to manipulate others into doing the job for them.

My daughters will ride on a very high horse like all other women until they hit 30-35 [the wall]. Till then there will be a huge number of willing drones keeping them up there. I can't be angry at my daughters for that, everyone getting this much attention would exploit this, becoming a Prince or Princess. However I try to shorten the time of this High-Horse-Phase. I try to seed doubts in their minds, try to tell them they will hit the wall sooner or later. Youth has it's expiration date, skills however do not. With my oldest I discuss a few psychological mechanisms from the viewpoint of a male. Maybe she will remember some things. In any way, she can't say I didn't warn her.

I really try to get them away from being just a consumer in the hen-herd and have them actually produce something. They, for example, have to help me sell my Honey and have to help me pack up food (they are getting paid). I show them how to create content on the internet instead of just consuming it, teach them the basic law rules, motivate them to take up their first paying jobs, I demand they do projects they thought of themselves. I teached them two programming languages, a Calliope Mini is in each of their rooms. However with girls this never reaches a point where they get off on their own. They all want to be a hen in the herd, bitch around, scratch a bit and then get caught by an alpha male. When he used her and she is done, she plays the victim card. Women.

There is not much to be done, but more then nothing. Biology has done it's work for millions of years in the evolution of mankind, you can't just undo this. Every man with daughters feels this every day intensively.
