
Survey shows that women block out disagreement almost twice as often as men.

Main Body:

So I was looking at political polling, and I noticed an interesting gender divide: While Democrats are more likely than Republicans to block somebody on social media just for disagreeing with them, females on both sides of the political spectrum are more likely than their ideologically-similar males to do so. Scroll to the section on “Blocking friends on social media” in the link below:


The linked image below shows a screen capture of the pertinent bit.


What it says is that 30% of Democratic women cut friends off on social media for disagreeing with them, while 14% of Democratic men did so (roughly half the female numbers)

Conversely, only 10% of Republican women cut friends off for disagreement, while 8% of Republican men did so.

Lessons Learned:

  1. First off, bear in mind that more women are left-wing than men. Accordingly, those Democratic female numbers are likely more indicative of young (pre-wall) women in the dating scene.

  2. Second, we might be seeing evidence of evolutionary psychology here in these numbers. Women are more likely to not only favour collectivism (i.e. vote Democrat in modern society) than men. But they'll also be more likely to ostracize the out-group. This could be a survival trait in a tribal, hunter-gatherer society.

  3. Applying this knowledge, if you’re trying to shag these broads, keep your politics to yourself. I would have to break out a calculator to count the times as a blue-pill man that I’ve missed out on getting action because the broad brought up politics in conversation. Either Agree and Amplify, or evade the question… At least until you’ve sealed the deal and given her the ride of her life.

  4. Democratic men are more emotionally insecure and incapable of dealing with disagreement than Republican women.