A Redditor at r/purplepilldebate left this barnburner of a comment there. I am going to copy it here for posterity, and correct only for typos and syntax. Here it is.

This comment summarizes why it’s better to avoid older women for LTRs and marriage:

Most of those girls are sexually and emotionally broken. I know because I've dated them... Or fucked them.

The more dicks a woman have had the more chances some guy in her past have ruined or broken something in her. Sounds cruel, but I've found that usually the girls that "don't do that anymore" or "are not that kind of girl anymore" OR "grew out of it" OOOR "did it because they were insecure but didn't like it" are all girls that got dicked by some asshole and have terrible experiences with sex.

I dated a girl that couldn't do doggy because some fucker shoved it in her ass without asking and she was wary of me all the time and specially in that position. I dated another one that hated when I drank because her ex was a violent alcoholic fucker. I used to fuck another girl that didn't wanted me to go to these specific places because "in her single days" these were the places where she picked guys to fuck ONS. I dated a girl that needed to turn all the lights off for even the minimum interaction... Guess who used to say to her she was fat and "average ugly" and pointed her stretch marks? And this other girl that was in a poly... Trust me don't date "poly" girls.

One didn't want me to eat her out because some past comment on her smell. And the girl that couldn't give head without stopping every 10 seconds to say "tell me when you are about ok?". I have developed a trauma about this girl, I can hear her voice every time my fiance gives me a blow, no shit.

Oooohhh wait one of them literally went nuts and started crying because she farted while we were fucking one night. She said she was worried about shit touching my dick because I would throw up... Like... Woman what the fuck. I'm not even looking at your ass bottom.


Are you ashamed of reading these things? Imagine my face. Imagine going through that shit.

This leads not only to a really mediocre at best if not lame sexual relationship with these girls, but also a lot of emotional burden. You don't need to be a genius, sex it's not only sex.

They have rooted insecurities, deep recurrent fears about you mistreating them, cheating them, taking advantage of them. And because of this they are ALWAYS on defense mode. You will never have the benefit of the doubt, you are always guilty until proven contrary.

And any shit you do can trigger some defense mechanism product of one of those bad experiences and all goes to hell in record time.

Or just they don't care shit about you, or they pretend you are just "another one" to protect their fragile egos. Because they get so use to being used and discarded they think you are only here for the free ride. You can't convince them you want something real with them. Never.

And what do all these girls have in common? Yes, they are "experienced" girls. "They know what they like and what they don't". "They are grown women".

I get why women are angry but I don't want to enter a relationship where I get to feel all the time I'm paying for some other dude's mistakes. I'm not here to "fix" what other man broke. I don't want to be held accountable for those bad things men did to you.

Women like this are like that meme that goes on "grown women don't give their heart so easily because X and Z" yeah, because you get pumped and dumped too many times, that's why.

Oh... Am I an insecure jackass? Am I an Incel? I come as a mysoginistic prick? Fine. I don't care.

In my experience, fresh girl, fresh start.

And yes, I know "not all women are like that", but I've dated a lot of women, and enough women, to realize one thing:

If men are all the same, you better don't be the last then.


Go read that entire thread. Here is the entire archived thread, saved for posterity. Again, if you go there and brigade the sub or harass any user, you will be immediately banned and reported to Reddit admins.


--Women with high Ns are almost always damaged in some way. Odds are, she dated some dickbags who mistreated her.

--Always remember that she chose those men. She knew who those men were and what they were about. She knew those men's character. She knew the risks. She chose to encounter those risks. And she chose those men.

--It is not your responsibility to deal with her baggage. It's HER responsibility to deal with her baggage. That said, if you wife up one of these women, you WILL be dealing with that baggage. I know whereof I speak on this, as does most of the moderatorship here.

--All but one of these items the redditor listed are related to sex. Which should tell you... the problems stem and result from lack of sexual attraction. Because if the beta offering commitment had been more sexually attractive, she would have had ZERO problem offering up sexually whatever those men wanted, regardless of "the past" or "trauma" or "hurts".

Note the women's responses, which boil down to what we have usually seen:

1) But but but MEN DO IT TOO!! Men are damaged too! Men get hurt and take it out on their women too!

Yeah, no. That bullshit excuse ain't gonna fly with me.

2) Men are just being shallow and mean because they prioritize sex in their relationships. Yes, men prioritize sex. That does not make them shallow or assholes. It makes them men. The real, actual complaint here is that the men these damaged, broken women (damaged and broken BY THEIR OWN CHOICES)have to settle for aren't as sexually attractive as Chad and Tyrone, and it frosts them to no end that these "lesser" men want sex like Chad and Tyrone did.

If you don't want to fuck these men and give them what you gave Chad and Tyrone, don't marry them.

3) A man has to "manag[e] the pain and life experience of another person". Yeah, no. Men, it is not your job to manage a woman's pain and life experience. It is your job to manage your own pain and life experience. If your woman has "pain and life experience", it is HER job to manage those things and to make sure they do not interfere with any relationship she has with you.

Men: Do not ever pay for the sins of other men. Don't pay for her past sins either. You call her out on it EVERY time some shit from her past causes deprivation to you. And if it happens too much, end the relationship. You must never tolerate her allowing some bullshit "trauma" from her past to interfere with your relationship and your wants, needs and desires. Tell her to get it handled or get out.

Ladies: you got baggage? That's on you. Not your man, you. You got issues? Get them fixed. You got past trauma? You work through it and get it handled.

You don't get to make your man suffer because of your past sexual choices and decisions. You should be down on your knees thanking God that he's with you, and while you're there, take care of your man, IYKWIM.