AITA for having a part in ruining my best friend's life and career?


My (22M) best friend (23F, known for the better part of a decade) is in the navy and she is blaming me for getting her kicked out and having to take on boatloads of debt because the military paid for her schooling and she will not be serving the terms of her contract and therefore must pay it back.

So the story goes: she (Officer) met this person at a bar and really liked them, and she tells me later that he found out this guy was a sailor (enlisted) on her ship. She knows she shouldn’t go for it but tries to still see him on the down low. When she mentioned it to me I told her to delete his number and stop seeing him. She just brushed me off and told me to leave. We intermittently text over the next few months because they were spending a lot of time with each other and I refused to meet said guy.

Skip ahead 6 months and they get turned in by some other person on the ship and when there was an investigation I was mentioned and when questioned I answered truthfully. I texted her later on saying “hey I didn’t turn you in, but I was questioned today. Sorry it had to happen this way.” They get defensive and start accusing me of being a bad friend among other things.

They get hit with the book and kicked out because some of the statements made were damning, especially mine. We maintain infrequent contact still and they texted me a year later with a screenshot of said text saying “hey I was looking through my stuff and this came up. I’m grateful for my past year but it’s been incredibly difficult. You should know that.”

AITA for giving a damning statement and ruining her future? Throwaway account

For those that don't know, relationships between officers and enlisted is a big no no, like sleeping with upper management in any other workplace setting.