Imagine you are a disabled retard (this may be easier for some of you than others). Everyday you wake up, and you shit your pants. You look down at your pants and you see a brown slotch, a disgusting mark of your own incompetence. People around you pat you on the back because at least you didn't shit on the floor. You are fed through magic tubes that inject nutrients into your body because you can't lift a spoon into your mouth. People care very deeply about your well being, despite the fact that you can't really do anything worthwhile. The sad part is, you used to be normal. You were a high school quarterback who fucked the whole cheer-leading squad and had a degree in pussynomics. Now look at you. One of the nurses who scrapes your excrement off of your body says your name. Society. Society is our disabled retard who shits itself.

When you say things like 'enjoy the decline' there are always a few retards who get upset. Usually MGTOWfags who have wet dreams about 'reclaiming the west'. The west is dead and it's corpse is calling you a racists on twitter. The last bastions of the west aren't you, who calls women fat on the internet, but boomers breathing out of pipes because they smoked over 10,000 cigarettes. If you somehow believe that society will be 'saved' if we all share our favorite GLO posts with our friends, than you are naive. Society doesn't even want to be saved. It wants to plunge it's face into fire and watch it's skin crackle.

Nihilism was unfortunately co-opted by the emo community, who turned 'nothing even matters' into something sad whiny grunge artists would croon while we all cut our wrists. Most of nihlism is unfortunately correct, even if you believe in the Magical Man up in the sky, your masturbation habits or how often you lie to your boss are unlikely to be important or even something he would think about.

How does this apply to TheRedPill? How does this impact my pussy getting? Should I even care about getting pussy? Probably not, but because you get endorphins from seeing women attracted to you and from going balls deep into a vagina, and because I don't want you to all kill yourselves, getting pussy is at least more worthwhile than being woke on twitter.

If nothing matters, than why would your interaction with her matter? It is easy to be defeatist about the decline of the world, about the fact that you and I will never go to Mars, about the fact that your peers would rather pay a 6/10 whore online or a character drawn by a perverted Japanese man than go out and drink and fuck. Or, you can you say fuck it. Watch the world burn. Enjoy the decline. Fuck the women, drink the wine, lift the weights, eat the steak, make the money and watch as society collapses around you. Why should you be unhappy just because you woke up to the bullshit? You've entered into a secret club that only a few people get to join in on. There is no point in trying to be a preacher for it. Enjoy the Decline.

If you really want to change the world, fine. Drive your truck into a DMV. Violence is the only way to enact social change. When they start beating people to death for having a Don't Tread On Me Sticker, people will revolt. Name-calling? Job Loss? Re-education? Nah. Does nothing. Society will refuse to change, so it will die and be replaced. That is the philosophy of acceleration. We are closer to the end of America than to it's redemption, so put your foot on the gas. Blow up a 5G tower. Throw a molotov through a police station. Shit in a hotel and blame it on a black family. Hand out hand guns to immigrants on the border. That's social change. Your posts on the internet? Nothing. Meaningless. My worst post and probably one of the worst posts on the subreddit is my most upvoted and also one of the highest rated on the sub. Nothing has any meaning anymore.

We live in the Age of Discontent. Look at how many SSRI's the average femoid consumes. Anything to avoid feeling. We are all unhappy, miserable creatures. Have you read Fight Club? The narrator spends the first chapter of the book yearning to feel something akin to human emotion, and he finds sincerity only in those who are close to death. Death strips away the veneer of our pathetic pride. We never realize we are all hurtling towards destruction. You're scared of talking to a girl? Your dying and she's dying too. If she calls you a faggot and dumps her soy drink all over your head, did you even really lose anything?

I have a website that I never post on, that should change soon.

I plan to talk about more than females, because that's such a dull subject.