Men allowed this phenomena we see today where 14 year old girls are dancing like thots on tiktok and 28 year olds divorce their 2nd husband and take his house and 20 year old girls have an N count of 60.

The majority of men are simps and promote this behavior because they don’t realize they are men.

Idc what you decide to do with your life whether it’s spinning plates or getting married but I do think men need to wake up and turn the tide.

It’s literally getting worse day by day and at one point or another, you will pay the price for it.

Why would men allow the weaker vessel to manipulate everything around them and take advantage of its fruit?

Men are not the helper. We are not the weaker vessel, so why are we going for the low hanging fruit?

To be clear, this is not a blue pill goal. TRP is for men. For some reason, it was handed down over the past 20-30 years. Now that we have the tools, what are we to do with it? Just smash chicks and hope we don’t get one pregnant? Or do we do something more with it?

Men are entrepreneurs, innovators, cultivators, leaders. We change the world, not the other way around.

Are you not tired of the top quality opportunities in jobs and welfare going towards women and other “minorities.”

Companies hire based on Diversity now versus your skill set and competence. What kind of garbage is that?

Why should I put in 5 times the amount of effort compared to the next person but get paid the same or sometimes less?

Why is a foreign person being hired over you for the sake of identity politics and then you get a letter stating you were over qualified?

The reason behind all of this is because everyone is idle. Everyone thinks these things. Everyone yearns to achieve greater. But no one does anything about it.

Majority of my managers and directors are female. They have no clue what’s going on and the company is going under because procedures change every month as if it’s part of their menstrual cycle.

Are you not tired of the bad quality you’re getting even though you’re at the top 20% of all men in the US?

Is there a solution?