
Female solipsism is a trait bred from having to craft a reality to suit their needs; it is a deviously sociopathic trait that allows women to create their own reality and justify their actions to better the species through competition. If it wasn't good for us, it wouldn't exist. Naturally, solipsistic thought processes are based on rationalization, the process of justifying oneself and one's actions through fact or opinion, whether the beliefs are justified or not.

This leads to many behaviors that are observable, identifiable, and can be utilized for your benefit.

Solipsism and Fitness

Solipsism will use any means available that makes some sort of sense in order to justify a crafted reality. Spirituality and superstition are simply ways to justify oneself, a habit born of a past dependent upon men.

Superstition, or a belief created by false association in the mind, runs more strongly in women than in men. Women will attribute all manner of things to serendipity, luck, fate, etc. We, as a species, are designed to identify patterns in events. We are very good at it. So good, in fact, when two events occur simultaneously we commonly attribute them to cause and effect, even though the two events may only be correlated, or worse, completely disparate.

Men did not have as much of a luxury of drawing false conclusions, as false results could mean the difference between life and death. Women, however, depended on men to successfully interpret the world for their protection and provision. Men that fail to observe the world more accurately were weeded out by intense reproductive competition. A measure of physical fitness. It is no surprise, then, that women adore men that are capable of creating and sustaining their own vision of the world.

Spirituality and Superstition

Astrology, witchcraft, voodoo, religion, charms, belief in invisible alien spirits, superstitious creatures and ideas, spiritual healing, ghosts, the soul, universal morality, "higher" powers, you name it- chances are that a woman believes devoutly in at least one or more of these things. It is something that guides them and justifies their behaviors- even if evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the causal relationship between the behavior, and the effect it is supposed to generate/prevent, exists.

This is simply because women fervently desire an explanation for their existence, for their actions, for why they do what they do. And that is where strong men come in. They provide a framework for women to justify their actions and behavior, in line with the strength of the frame of the man they align themselves with. If the frame decays, so does the solipsistic justification used to associate with the male, and hypergamy and the dual-mating strategy begins anew.

Use It or Lose It

Familiarize yourself with a few of the common superstitious beliefs and systems. Being able to be fundamentally aware of these beliefs, and choosing when to reinforce or refute them, can drive a very strong attraction and the belief that "you were meant for each other." Be genuinely interested in their superstition, get them talking, and make them excited. They love feeling excitement, and the excitement will be utilized by the hamster as a justification for association. Alternatively, deny it, and then draw them in with other potential superstitious alternatives. However you want to frame it. It makes you mysterious and interesting.

Appreciate the female mind. It serves them, and us, well.