A recent post on WAATGM was flagged as a 'Cock Carousel Rider'. Here is a deeper analysis, though I'm only going to use her text as the sole basis for analysing her behaviour, because she could be any woman and every woman. Here is her 53 word text quoted verbatim:

"I just broke up ... well ... I just got broken up with. I thought I was going to marry him. It's frustrating. After being independent for so long, and going from place to place and man to man, I've finally come to a point where I'm ready to settle. And I can't."

First of all, I'm not vindictive. Whilst I respect her decision to make her own choices and mistakes, she does not get my sympathy. Her present predicament is all of her own doing, the results from her poor decisions in lifestyle and equally poor choices in men. This could all have been avoided had this woman chosen wisely from the beginning. She didn't! Instead she sowed to the wind and now finds herself reaping the whirlwind.

Playing the victim card, passing the blame to gain male sympathy

In her opening 3 sentences she is playing the victim card, blaming/shaming the man for the injustice of breaking up with her, and tries to win our sympathy by appealing to our protective nature.

"... I just got broken up with. I thought I was going to marry him. It's frustrating."

  • She has been dumped – hints of "woe is me" playing the Victim Card.
  • Instead of "It's frustrating" read "It's not fair" - like she is the victim of an injustice. I also detect hints of 'entitlement' that only she is allowed to break off the relationship.
  • She projects the blame for the break up on to the man, instead of accepting that these are consequences of her poor choices. He is covertly portrayed as the villain because he initiated the break up instead of her. Shame on him! Entitlement Issues.

Reading between the lines, what she does not say is far more telling than what she does say. For a relationship with marriage on the near horizon, her text has the following omissions:

  • No mention of the length of this 'relationship', or how long they were 'living together'.
  • No mention of being 'engaged' and never refers to the man as her 'fiancé'.
  • No mention of 'wedding preparations', nor of a 'wedding' being 'called off'.

Therefore I think we can conclude that her talk about marriage is little more than a romantic self-delusion or idealised fantasy on her part. More likely, her mention of marriage was a smoke screen to disguise her time riding the Cock Carousel.

A further indicator that her prior relationships were casual is by her throwaway comment that she was ...

"... going from place to place and man to man"

The serial monogamist following the hypergamic dream of chasing 'hawt guys' that is promoted by proponents of toxic, progressive feminism, like Sherly Sandberg. This feminist recommends that women use dual mating strategies, hypergamy and monkey branching to give their sexual best to men who least deserve it, the cads, chads, chancers and jerks. Then when they become mere shells of their former selves, Sandberg advises them to marry a good man who will put her on a pedestal whilst she will offer him the dregs in return. It is all Take! Take! Take! No give!

During their transition between Riding the Cock Carousel and Settling Down, these women then internally rationalise their sexual history as "exploring their sexuality" to justify their choices and actions to both themselves and any future partners. This woman knows that her true sexual history is a red flag to any serious male that she wants to settle down with.

Red Flags

Research by David Buss and his colleagues independantly confirm that "the single best predictor of extramarital sex is premarital sexual permissiveness people who have many sex partners before marriage tend to be more unfaithful than those who have few sex partners before marriage." [D M Buss – The Evolution of Desire (2016), p108-109]

How much of this "going from ... man to man" was her deliberate, poor decision to 'monkey branch' to a more dazzling, 'hotter' male specimen with bigger biceps/income/status than her previous guy?

The phrase "… going from place to place ..." not only suggests a high number of men she's had casual sexual encounters with, but indicates that she pro-actively pursued these intimate liaisons.

Briffault's Law - Men are expendable! Especially in this woman's eyes!

Briffault's Law describes her 'monkey branching' behaviour in playing men off against each other and how she rationalises that it is time to move on to a male offering more benefits ('hotter') than her current partner. She admits she was "going from … man to man" and here is why:

"The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association [relationship] with the male, no such association [relationship] takes place." [Robert Briffault]

Women are the sexual selectors. Buss summarises that "men are one long breeding experiment run by women." Robert Briffault provided the following additional observations that further illustrate this woman's mercenary attitude in mate selection:

  • "Even though a woman has accrued past benefits from her relationship with a man, this is no guarantee of her continuing the relationship with him." The definition of Monkey Branching.
  • "If a woman promises a man to continue her relationship with him in the future in exchange for a benefit received from him today, her promise becomes null and void as soon as the benefit is rendered." How she keeps 'good men' that she's 'Friend Zoned' waiting in the wings 'On Standby', until she's had her fun Riding the Cock Carousel and cannot get cads, chads, chancers or jerks to commit to a long term relationship with her.
  • "A man’s promise of a future benefit has limited ability to secure a continuing relationship with a woman, and his promise carries weight with her only to the extent that the woman’s wait for the benefit is short and to the extent that she trusts him to keep his promise."

A woman like this is quite happy monkey branching, switching horses (or penises to be more precise) on the cock carousel for whoever she perceives as a 'better' male, often indiscriminately selecting cads, chads, chancers and jerks over good men. She is selecting men to have sex with, based purely on 'looks'. She is not selecting men based on 'great personality' or 'good character'.

The Beginning of The End!

In her youth, she wielded the power to chose, deciding who she wanted to sex with and when to end things. Women are predominantly the ones who initiate the break up of a relationship. According to a 2015 study by the American Sociological Association, women initiated 69% of all divorces in the USA, and college-educated women initiated divorce at an eye-watering rate of 90%. However there comes a point when the tide begins to turn against her and more in favour of men, particularly the men that she dumped or rejected. She now finds herself at a significant disadvantage and on the receiving end of her own medicine, as the phrase "I've just got broken up with" indicates.

"I've finally come to a point where I'm ready to settle. And I can't."

The cock carousel has ejected her - She now finds herself too old, well past her prime and no longer has the pulling power or sex appeal to compete with her younger, more desirable rivals who are also seeking the same 'hawt' males that she is also still attracted to. As collaborating researchers Buss, Symons and Williams concur, the two most obvious observable cue to a woman's reproductive value are youth and health. [D M Buss – The Evolution of Desire (2016), p83]

"A woman’s physical attractiveness is a cardinal component of women’s mate value." [D M Buss & T K Shackelford - Attractive Women Want It All - Evolutionary Psychology, 2008. 6(1), p134]

Clelland Ford and Frank Beach discovered that youth and health are universally regarded as 'attractive' features in a woman. For men, female beauty is a combination of Youth and Health: facial symmetry, full lips, clear skin, smooth skin, clear eyes, lush hair, good muscle tone, plus high energy levels and a bouncy gait. [C S Ford & F A Beach – Patterns of Sexual Behaviour (1951)]

Unfortunately, as she ages, her youth, and hence beauty, passes her peak. Past this point her sexual market value and reproductive value are both in rapid decline in the eyes of those 'high value', 'high status' men that she still seeks. She faces serious competition from younger females entering the dating scene, as her 'ride' on the Cock Carousel has come to an abrupt end. The Wall Awaiteth!

Cad or Dad!

Researchers like David Buss, Todd Shackelford, Jeffry Simpson, Steve Gangestad, et al, concluded that women want high scores across the main 4 traits they look for in men; 'looks/genes';'resources'; 'parenting' and 'nurturing' … in the one man. The problem is that such men who score highly across all 4 traits are rare, and only exists as anomalies like Royal bachelors. Gangestad and Simpson conclude that the vast majority of women must therefore make trade-offs between the mutually exclusive 'good looks' (cad) or 'good resources' (dad) traits. It is an either/or choice. Buss et al observed that Women DO want it all and will use "A Menu of Mating Strategies" to get it. These mating strategies includes "long-term mating, short-term opportunistic copulations, extra-pair copulations, and serial mating". Please see the article by D M Buss & T K Shackelford - Attractive Women Want It All:


This woman does not want to compromise. She still wants both 'looks' and 'resources' from one man, so she rejected 90% of men. Many rejectees are good, caring, men. Instead this woman happily squandered sex on 'hawt' men, who often exhibit the dark triad personality traits - scheming, self-serving, poor quality men who lack empathy. Their looks, physique, extravagant and immediate resource displays aroused her. Gangestad warns that these 'hot' men avoid long term commitment to one woman, as they prefer many short term sexual conquests with many females.

The End Of The Line - Who Played Who?

"I've finally come to a point where I'm ready to settle."

Really? More like her poor life choices have dictated the outcome and she ran out of options for the above reasons. What she really meant to say was "I've played the cock carousel and am now ready to settle down". However the truth is that she has lost her place on the Cock Carousel. She did not chose to leave the Cock Carousel! This decision was forced on her, because she is now too old and lacking in beauty to attract hot males on the Cock Carousel. She has run out of options on the Cock Carousel, or more accurately, the options on the Cock Carousel have run her out.

"And I can't."

Does she mean "I can't" - because the 'hot' men she wants to settle down with either reject her or refuse to commit? Or, "I won't" - because she still insists on wanting it all and refuses to compromise? Either way, she now faces the double whammy of her declining beauty failing to attract 'hot' males, whilst facing serious competition from younger, more beautiful rivals.

No decent man, who knows his true worth, is ever going to waste time with this woman, based on her poor choices in lifestyle and men. She is forced to 'compromise' in a long term partner with so-so looks but good resources, whilst using a dual mating strategy - affairs with a 'hot' male.

Desperate Times – Desperate Measures

The good men that she now desperately seeks, have families or have decided that women like her are not good quality women. Exodus 32:23 summarises her predicament very well - "be sure your sin will find you out." [CORRECTION: This biblical reference is from Numbers 32:23 not Exodus] She cannot run from the consequences for her past actions and poor choices.

Her one and only hope is to consider men in the lower levels of the sexual market place. Date Down! Lower her expectations by reducing her list of demands. There are many good men there, but she rejected them whilst she was in her prime, purely because they were 'not hot enough', 'too short', 'biceps/pecs too small', 'no 6 pack abs', 'overweight', 'low income', 'working low status jobs' (often essential infrastructure jobs), 'geeks', 'socially awkward around women' or 'shy'.

Unfortunately, these good men that she rejected remember the sting of her rejection, so I'm afraid she has bridges to build. By 'bridges' I am referring to the major feat of engineering type bridges, to stand any chance of making a decent sized olive branch to hold out to these great men who she rejected primarily on looks alone. Good luck with that! Otherwise, if that sounds too daunting a task for her, then may I recommend Isle 12 - Cat Food and Ready-Meals-For-One at Walmarts for such an "independent" woman that she claims to be.

The juice is not worth the squeeze

She resents being forced to compromise and miss out on the 'hot' men she believes she deserves. Her resentment will be passed on to the man she compromises with. When considering the risks versus the rewards of even just dating this woman, she has a very poor ROI (Return On Investment), be it time, money, emotional or resources.