A tl;dr of the post is that an Army vet and his girlfriend got into a traffic altercation. During it, another man took a tire iron and shattered the car window on the girlfriend's side, prompting the vet to get out of the car and beat the shit out of the aggressor. Cops were literally a street corner away, so they very quickly came and cleaned up the situation. Now, the girlfriend claims to be terrified of him and refuses to see him, while her family is treating him like some kind of monster.

On its face, this would seem to run completely counter to the Red Pill. I've seen multiple posts claiming that women want dangerous/monstrous men. The expectation that one would have coming off of reading TRP would be that her caveman instincts would prompt her to jump his bones as soon as they got home - instead she wants nothing to do with him. Why is that? Is there something that I'm missing here?